What is a Special character?

A character that does not fall under the category of either alphabet or a number is called a special character. The comma, full stop, and other punctuation symbols, along with other symbols such as hashtags, are special symbols. The special characters are used in many ways, like the hashtag and forward slash to express comments in some programming languages, and @symbol is used in Gmail addresses.

What is a Special character

And some special characters are used as an escape sequence and in taking attributes.

Special characters usage in Password creation

Special characters are used in creating passwords. When these characters are used in passwords, the hacking of the accounts becomes tough as passwords become strong as the guessing of these characters is uncertain.

Special CharacterName of Special CharacterUsageUnicodeKeyboard shortcut
~TildeUsed as an accent mark in SpanishU + 007EShift + `
`Grave accentUsed as an accent mark in FrenchU + 0060`
!Exclamation mark1)Marks the termination as an exclamatory sentence or word.
2)Denotes the logic, not in programming languages.
3)In mathematics, it is used as a factorial mark.
U + 0021Shift + 1
@Ampersand1)Used in Gmail address for connecting usernames to domain names.
2)In accounting, used for expressing rates.
3)In social media, used before names.
U + 0040Shift + 2
#Octothorpe1)Used for expressing comments in programming languages.
2)Used as hashtags in social media
U + 0023Shift + 3
$Dollar sign1)Used to express the currency valueU + 0024Shift + 4
%Percentage symbol1)Used for denoting the percentage values.U + 0025Shift + 5
^Caret or CircumflexUsed as the exponent in mathematics,
Used as a shortcut for the CTRL key on the keyboard.
U + 005EShift + 6
&Ampersand1)Used to connect sentences in English as "and".
2)In a spreadsheet used to combine formulas.
U + 0026Shift + 7
*Asterisk1)Used in doing mathematics multiplication.
2)Used to denote the footnotes.
U + 002AShift + 8
(Open parenthesisStarts the text in brackets.U + 0028Shift + 9
)Close parenthesisEnds the text in bracketsU + 0029Shift + 0
-Hyphen, dash1)Used to do subtraction in mathematical calculations.
2) Dashes text of any language.
U + 002D-
_Underscore1)Used in place of the Space key when spaces are restricted in writing or typing.U + 005FShift + -
+Plus symbolUsed to perform the mathematical additions.U + 002BShift + =
=Equal signUsed to equate the RHS and LHS in mathematical equations.U + 003D=
{Open curly brace1)Used to open a code block in some programming languages.
1)They are also used in mathematics to denote the sets.
U + 007BShift + [
}Close curly brace1)Used to close blocks or statements in some programming languages.
2) It is used in mathematics to denote the set.
U + 007DShift + ]
[Open bracket1)Starts the calculations in mathematics.
2)Used as the string validation in programming languages.
U + 005B[
]Close bracket1)Starts the calculations in mathematics.
2)Used as the string validation in programming languages.
U + 005D]
:ColonUsed to separate the address on websitesU + 003AShift + ;
|A vertical bar, Or Pipe1)Denotes the Boolean operation "OR".
2)Used as the delimiter in writing texts.
U + 007CShift + \
\BackslashDifferentiates the file location in the network path or URL.U + 005C\
;Semicolon1) Connects the linked sentences in the text.
2) Terminates the code lines in some programming languages.
3) differentiates the lengthy listed things in writing text.
U + 003B;
"Double Quotation marks or inverted commas1) Used in grammar while denoting the direct speech spoken by a person.
2) Used in mentioning the attributes in HTML.
U + 0022Shift + '
'Single Quotation mark or Apostrophe1) Used to denote a quotation mark in English text.
2) Denotes the omitted characters and contractions.
U + 0027'
<Less than an open angular bracketIn logical statements and mathematics used to denote the relationship between two values, the less value is placed left to the symbol and the greater value to the right.U + 003CShift + ,
,Comma1) Used to separate items in sentences and lists.
2) Differentiates the numbers.
3) Used to join the clauses in the sentences.
U + 002C,
>Greater than close angular bracketsIn logical statements and mathematics used to denote the relationship between two values, the less value is placed to the right, and the greater value is placed to the left.U + 003EShift +.
.Period, full stop, dot1)Denotes the termination of a sentence.
2)Used to represent the file extension in the file name.
3)Differentiates the parts in a URL.
U + 002E.
?Question markTerminates the interrogative sentences.U + 003FShift + /
/Forward Slash and division in mathematics1) Dose the division in mathematics.
2)Used to denote the comments in programming languages.
3)In HTML and XML, it closes the tags.
4)Differentiates the sessions in URL and network paths.
U + 002F/

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