XAMPP vs WAMP vs MAMP vs LAMPXAMPP can be described as a bundle of software used to serve web solutions across multiple platforms. It provides assistance to local developers by providing an environment to develop and test projects based on Apache servers, database management systems like MariaDB and scripting languages like Perl and PHP. Like XAMPP, there are a number of similar open-source local servers that provide similar assistance and functionalities. In this article, we will study about MAMP, WAMP, and LAMP to analyze and compare amongst the four. XAMPPXAMPP is an acronym, in which "X" stands for Multiplatform, "A" stands for Apache server, "M" stands for MariaDB, "P" stands for Perl, and "P" stands for PHP. It is a stack of software, which includes Apache distributions used to develop and test website locally before its deployment on the internet. It is multiplatform and is supported by many operating systems such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It is supported by many file formats that add to its robustness. It is easy to install and use. The Control Panel makes it easy to manage and implement. WAMPWAMP is another local server, which is a package of software including Apache Server (which stands for A), MySQL database (which stands for M), and PHP script-based language (which stands for P). The "W" in WAMP designates its exclusiveness for the Windows Operating system. WAMP is used in Windows-based systems to test dynamic websites without publishing it on the webserver. It is handy to implement and developed with PHP. It is available for both 32 bit and 64-bit systems. MAMPMAMP is a local server, which is compatible with (M) Mac Operating system and supports development & testing of web projects based on (A) Apache Server, (M) MySQL Database and (P) PHP OOPS based programming language. It can be easily installed on a Mac-based system with the help of a few clicks. It is mainly used for Mac OS, as denoted by the initial M in MAMP. It provides all the equipment that is needed to run WordPress on the system. LAMPIt is an acronym in which "L" stands for Linux, "A" stands for Apache, "M" stands for MySQL, and "P" stands for various programming languages such as PHP, Perl, and Python. It is a local server solely supported by the Linux operating system and cannot be run on any other operating system. It is a light-weighted software package used by Linux based local hosts for testing their webpages before launching them on live platform. Unlike other such software packages, it supports development by multiple programming languages such as PHP, Perl, and Python. Comparison and Analysis
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