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what is the meaning of insert=false , update=false in hibernete

By: pitchi*** On: Tue May 28 01:56:40 EDT 2013     Question Reputation13 Answer Reputation0 Quiz Belt Series Points0  13Blank User
what is the meaning of insert=false , update=false in hibernate hbm.xml fileUp0Down

Suppose there is a field such as EmployeeId from a Employee class file, can it is
desirable to have this id immutable, or should not added or inserted from the
business logic, instead this ID will be updated by some SQL script that is
being executed by some other legacy application. In this situation we will have to
inform Hibernate not to consider those fields marked with certain attribute
such as insert="false". Like wise we can instruct Hibernate not to update
certain fields/properties by putting update="false" attribute in the
respective HBM configuration XML file.
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By: [email protected] On: Tue May 28 02:39:56 EDT 2013 Question Reputation0 Answer Reputation147 Belt Series Points0 147User Image
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