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Error - SP2-0678: Column or attribute type cannot be displayed by SQL*Plus

By: rickys*** On: Fri Nov 22 23:54:35 EST 2013     Question Reputation5 Answer Reputation0 Quiz Belt Series Points0  5Blank User
Ques 1) I am compile & run the below program and i am getting the following error

Eroor - SP2-0678: Column or attribute type can not be displayed by SQL*Plus

Note - I am using oracle 10g database.

Prog -

import java.sql.*;

class InsertImage
public static void main(String args[])

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe", "system", "oracle");

PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into imgtable values(?, ?)");

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("F:\\Javatpoint Example\\JDBC\\d\\g.jpg");

ps.setString(1, "Sonoo");
ps.setBinaryStream(2, fin, fin.available());

int i = ps.executeUpdate();
System.out.println(i + " records affected");

catch(Exception e)

I am creating the table

create table imgtable(name varchar2(4000), photo blob);

then compile the above program

java InsertImage

Output - 1 records affected

Now i am execute the query at run sql command line

select * from imgtable;

then i am getting the following error

SP2-0678: Column or attribute type can not be displayed by SQL*Plus

Now i am using another query

select name from imgtable;

this query works fine But

select photo from imgtable;

this query is not work and not show the image.

Solve this problem


Cause: The type specified is not supported.

you should Rewrite the query to select the data with types that SQL*Plus supports.

To solve this issue just select the key columns with data type VARCHAR2 (or any other column but not DATA) and it should work.
Image Created0Down

By: [email protected] On: Sat Nov 23 05:08:07 EST 2013 Question Reputation0 Answer Reputation392 Belt Series Points0 392User Image
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