C++ map at() Function

C++ map at() function is used to access the elements in the map with the given key value. It throws an exception out_of _range, if the accessed key is not present in the map.


Consider the key value k, syntax would be:


k: Key value of the element whose mapped value is to be accessed.

Return value

It returns a reference to the mapped value of the element with a key value.

Example 1

Let's see a simple example for accessing the elements.


A: 10
B: 20	
C: 30

In the above, at() function is used to access the elements of map.

Example 2

Let's see a simple example to add the elements using their key values.



In the above example, at() function is used to add the elements after initialization using the associated key values.

Example 3

Let's see a simple example to change the value associated with the key value.


Elements are:
100: Nikita
200: Deep
300: Priya
400: Suman
500: Aman

Elements after make changes are:
100: Nidhi
200: Deep
300: Pinku
400: Suman
500: Arohi

In the above example, at() function is used to change the values associated with their key values.

Example 4

Let's see a simple example to handle the ?out of range? exception.


Out of Range Exception at map::at

The above example throws an out_of_range Exception since there is no key with value z in the map.

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