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Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Pollination

The primary method of sexual reproduction in plants is pollination. The pollen grain is also known as a microspore, and the transportation of a microspore from an anther to the stigma of a flower is known as pollination. To pollinate themselves, plants use biotic and abiotic agents. Animals like insects, birds, bees, bats, beetles, butterflies, hummingbirds, flies, moths, and natural factors like water, wind, and even plants can work as pollinating agents.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Pollination

Each living thing, including plants, strives to create offspring for the following generation. There are many methods for plants to reproduce, one of which is by producing seeds. The genetic things required to produce a new plant are present in seeds, and plants produce their seeds with the help of flowers.

Types of Pollination

1. Self-Pollination

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Pollination

The main pollination method is self-pollination, which happens when microspores are transported from the anther into the stigma of the same flower. The genetic qualities of the species are preserved through self-pollination. Self-pollinating plants are peas, sunflowers, orchids, apricots, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, peaches, legumes, oats, peanuts, wheat, barley, and rice.

2. Cross-Pollination

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self Pollination

Cross-Pollination is another method of pollination, and it happens when pollen grains are transferred between flowers of different plants. Cross-pollination is beneficial because it encourages species diversity by fusing several plants' genetic components. However, cross-pollination relies on pollinators that can travel from plant to plant.

Cross-pollinating plants include tulips, heather, lavender, plums, pears, blackberries, raspberries, daffodils, blackcurrants, pumpkins, strawberries, and other fruits and vegetables.

Types of Self-Pollination and Cross-Pollination

1. Autogamy

Autogamy is a kind of self-pollination. In this, microspores move from the anther to the stigma within the same flower.

Requirements for autogamy:

  1. When the pollen is discharged, the stigma should be prepared to take it.
  2. They must be closer to one another for pollination.

2. Geitonogamy

Geitonogamy is a kind of self-pollination where microspores are transferred between different flowers of the same plant.

3. Xenogamy

Cross-pollination is referred to as xenogamy, which happens when pollen grains are transported between flowers of different plants.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Pollination

Advantages of Self-Pollination

  1. The genetic qualities of the species are preserved through self-pollination.
  2. The plant doesn't have to rely on pollinators.
  3. Flowers do not require to create devices to draw insect pollinators.
  4. It guarantees seed production.
  5. It serves as a fail-safe approach for cross-pollinated flowers.
  6. It eliminates a lot of unwanted recessive characteristics.
  7. In this method, the wastage of microspores can be avoided.

Disadvantages of Self-Pollination

  1. Self-pollination prevents new adaptations in response to environmental change.
  2. Progeny gets weaker due to ongoing self-pollination.
  3. They generate seeds of low quality.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Pollination

Advantages of Cross-Pollination

  1. The seeds are generated in greater quantities and are healthier.
  2. Cross-pollination between two distinct kinds of the same species, or even two species, produces new varieties.
  3. Cross-pollination allows unisexual plants to reproduce.

Disadvantages of Cross-Pollination

  1. Plants must grow huge, fragrant, nectar-filled flowers to draw insects, which is not unfeasible.
  2. Genetic recombination can remove the parent's beneficial characteristics.

Self-pollinated Flowers' Characteristics

  • Only bisexual flowers or monoecious plants can self-pollinate.
  • Generally, self-pollinate flowers are small and nectar-free.
  • Seeds produced by self-pollination are tiny and lightweight seeds.
  • Plants that self-reproduce have weaker offspring.
  • Plant homozygosity is increased through self-pollination.

FAQ on Self Pollination

1. What is homogamy?


Inbreeding is also known as homogamy. When the male and female reproductive organs (of plants) mature simultaneously, this condition is called homogamy. Homogamy can be utilized to select a mate based on desired sexual partner characteristics.

2. Difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination


Self-Pollination Cross-Pollination
1. It happens when pollen grains are transferred between the same flower. 1. It happens when pollen grains are transferred between flowers of different plants.
2. Genetic diversity is reduced, and genetic homogeneity is increased via self-pollination. 2. Cross-pollination enhances genetic diversity and reduces genetic uniformity.
3. Causes inbreeding 3. Causes outbreeding
4. Generates limited pollen grains. 4. Generates a lot of pollen grains.
5. The stigma and anthers mature concurrently during self-pollination. 5. Cross-pollination occurs when the stigma and anthers mature at various periods.
6. There is no need for pollinators to transmit pollen grains. 6. Need pollinators to spread pollen grains.
7. A flower's stigma receives pollen grains directly. 7. The wind, water, animals, insects, etc., can transport pollen grains.

3. Why doesn't my self-pollinating plant produce fruit?


Make sure your plant is self-pollinating first; if it is cross-pollinating, you'll need to buy at least one more plant.

4. What are the different self- and cross-pollination adaptations?


Self-pollination is the transmission of pollen to the same flower's stigma. Cleistogamy, homogamy, movement of floral parts, and incomplete dichogamy are adaptations in self-pollinated plants.

Cross-pollination is the transmission of pollen to the stigma of flowers of the same type of plant. Herkogamy, dichogamy, heterostyly, unisexuality, pollen prepotency, and self-sterility are the adaptations in cross-pollinated plants.

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