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Which Purpose Are We Using Treemap Visual in Power BI?

A treemap is a style of data visualization that is used in Power BI and other data analysis tools to represent hierarchical data. It offers a concise and visually appealing technique to display hierarchical structures and compare the relative proportions of various categories within those hierarchies. We will look at the purpose, features, benefits, and practical uses of treemap visualizations in Power BI in this detailed guide.

In this detailed article, we'll look at the fundamental concepts and practical applications of treemap visualizations in Power BI. We'll start by learning what a treemap is and how it works, then go over how to construct and customize treemaps in Power BI step by step. Then we'll go into the nitty gritty of dealing with hierarchical data, recommended practices for developing effective treemaps, and interactive features that improve user experience. Furthermore, we will look at real-world use cases, case studies, and examples to demonstrate the versatility and value of treemap visualizations in a variety of fields.

Furthermore, we'll discuss some of the constraints and considerations that come with utilizing treemaps, as well as circumstances when different visualizations might be more suited. To provide a thorough view, we will compare treemaps to other relevant visualizations and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Finally, we'll go through anticipated future trends and upgrades to Power BI's treemap visualizations, as well as summarise the primary benefits and takeaways from utilizing treemaps for data analysis and communication.

Introduction to Power BI:

Power BI is a business intelligence application created by Microsoft that allows users to connect, analyze, and visualize data from diverse sources. It enables organizations to translate raw data into relevant insights, allowing them to make data-driven decisions. Users may build interactive reports, dashboards, and data visualizations with Power BI to acquire a better understanding of their data.

What exactly is Treemap Visualisation?

A treemap is a data visualization tool that is used to depict hierarchical data. Hierarchical structures are represented as nested rectangles, with each rectangle representing a category and the size of the rectangle corresponding to a quantitative value connected with that category. Because the treemap is hierarchical, users can explore and compare the proportions of data pieces at different levels of the hierarchy.

  • A Treemap's Structure and Components:
    • A treemap's major components are parent nodes (rectangles) and child nodes (nested rectangles within parent nodes).
    • The parent nodes are higher-level categories, and the child nodes are subcategories inside each parent category.
    • Each node's size represents the numerical value linked with the category it represents.
    • Treemaps can have numerous hierarchical levels, allowing users to drill down into specific subcategories.
  • Treemap Colour Coding and Sizing:
    • Color coding is frequently used in treemaps to further encode extra data, such as categories or performance measures, providing additional insights beyond size.
    • Color gradients or patterns can be applied to nodes to show data value differences.
    • The size of the treemap visual is adjustable, allowing users to tailor it to their reporting needs.
  • Treemaps have the following advantages:
    • Treemaps provide a visually appealing and compact approach to representing hierarchical data, making complex data structures easier to understand.
    • They help users easily spot patterns, anomalies, and trends by facilitating hierarchical data analysis.
    • Drill-down and drill-up interactions are supported in treemaps, allowing users to explore multiple degrees of data detail.
    • Color coding and scaling options allow for several dimensions of information to be displayed in a single graphic.

Creating a Treemap Visualisation in Power BI:

Importing and preparing data is the first step in creating a treemap in Power BI, followed by developing the treemap visual using the Data View or Report View. The following is a step-by-step procedure:

  • Data Preparation for Treemaps:
    • Check for a hierarchical structure with parent-child relationships in the data.
    • If necessary, aggregate or summarise data at different levels of the hierarchy.
  • Making a Treemap Visual:
    • To construct the treemap graphic, drag and drop the relevant fields into the canvas.
    • To represent data values and supplementary information, assign the necessary fields to the Size and Colour choices.
    • Colors, labels, and tooltips can all be changed to suit your preferences.
  • Customization and Interaction Possibilities:
    • Power BI allows users to change the font size, color scheme, and background of the treemap.
    • Users can activate drill-down and drill-up interactions to interactively move through hierarchical data levels.
    • Interactions with different visualizations on the report page can be set up to provide a unified data exploration experience.

Understanding Hierarchical Data:

Hierarchical data represents information in the form of a parent-child relationship, with each parent category having one or more child categories. Because they keep the hierarchical structure, treemaps are particularly well-suited for visualizing hierarchical data.

  • Hierarchies that are nested:
    • Nested hierarchies can arise when hierarchical data has numerous layers.
    • Treemaps show layered hierarchies as a sequence of nested rectangles.
    • The position and size of each rectangle show its place in the hierarchy as well as the magnitude of its related data value.
  • Drilling down and Drilling up Functionality:
    • Drill-down refers to going from higher-level categories to their subcategories in the treemap by clicking on a parent node.
    • By clicking on a child node, users can move back to higher-level categories.
    • These interactions give consumers a dynamic and exploratory experience while analyzing data at various degrees of detail.
  • Dealing with Unbalanced Hierarchies:
    • When certain parent nodes have more child nodes than others, the hierarchy becomes unbalanced.
    • Through settings and custom expressions, Power BI users can deal with uneven hierarchies.
    • Custom sorting and other advanced approaches can be used to organize nodes based on specific criteria.

Treemaps in Power BI, Best Practises:

To maintain clarity and accuracy in data visualization, using treemaps in Power BI requires adhering to standard practices.

  • Integrity and validity of data:
    • Check that the data used for treemaps is correct, full, and relevant.
    • Validate data at various levels of hierarchy to avoid misleading representations.
  • Color Scheme and Gradient Application:
    • Choose colors that are easily distinct and accessible to all users.
    • Color gradients should be used sparingly to illustrate data changes without causing visual confusion.
  • Labelling and Tooltip Recommendations:
    • Label each category in the treemap clearly and concisely.
    • When hovering over nodes, use tooltips to provide additional information such as category names and data values.
    • Color gradients should be used sparingly to illustrate data changes without causing visual confusion.

Cross-Filtering and Interactive Features:

One of Power BI's strengths is its interactive features, which allow users to explore and interact with treemaps to acquire deeper insights.

  • Using Hierarchical Filtering:
    • Power BI allows users to focus on certain categories or levels of data by using hierarchical filtering in treemaps.
    • Users can filter the treemap by clicking on a node to display data relating to the specified category.
  • Cross-Filtering with Additional Visuals:
    • Other graphics on the same report page can be used to cross-filter treemaps, allowing for coordinated data exploration.
    • When users engage with one visual, the data displayed in the other visuals changes in response, resulting in a unified data analysis experience.

Comparative Analysis Using Treemaps:

Treemaps are a powerful tool for comparing data items and identifying trends in hierarchical structures.

  • Size and Proportion Comparison:
    • Users can use the treemap to compare the sizes of rectangles to learn the relative proportions of data categories.
    • Color coding can help to emphasize variations in data values.
  • Identifying Outliers and Patterns:
    • Treemaps aid in the identification of patterns in data distributions such as clusters or gaps.
    • Outliers, which are represented by extremely large or small rectangles, stand out and can be studied further.
  • Hierarchical Trend Analysis:

Drill-down and visual exploration can be used to analyze hierarchical trends across time or different dimensions.

Hierarchical modifications can offer information about data dynamics.

Extensive Treemap Techniques:

Power BI provides extensive options for customizing and extending the functionality of treemaps.

  • Treemaps with Multiple Hierarchies:
    • Users can create treemaps with numerous hierarchies to analyze data from multiple views at the same time.
    • Complex hierarchical relationships can be handled using advanced DAX expressions or Power Query transforms.
  • Sorting and ordering by hand:
    • To modify the organization of categories, Power BI gives options for custom sorting and ordering of treemap nodes.
    • Users can highlight specific insights by sorting nodes based on data values, alphabetical order, or other criteria.
  • Drillthrough and Bookmarks:
    • Bookmarks in Power BI enable users to store certain treemap views, including drill-down states.
    • Drillthrough functionality allows users to click on a treemap node to access more detailed information.

Common Use Cases of Treemap Visualizations:

Treemap visualizations are commonly used in a variety of businesses and fields due to their ability to efficiently represent hierarchical data.

  • Sales and Revenue Analysis:
    • Sales data, market share, and revenue distribution across product categories and regions are all analyzed using treemaps.
    • They aid in identifying top-selling products, underperforming regions, and sales trends over time.
    • Drillthrough functionality allows users to click on a treemap node to access more detailed information.
  • Investment and Portfolio Management:
    • Treemaps are used to depict portfolio structures, asset allocations, and investment performance across asset classes.
    • They aid in the identification of high-performing assets as well as potential risk exposures.
  • Analysis of Organisational Structure and Workforce:
    • Treemaps are used to show organizational structure, staff hierarchies, and workforce distribution among departments and teams.
    • They aid in determining department sizes, personnel counts, and organizational hierarchies.

Limitations and Considerations:

Despite their advantages, treemaps have several drawbacks that users should be aware of.

  • Data Volume and Performance:
    • When rendering treemaps, large datasets might result in poorer performance, especially if they contain numerous hierarchies or many nodes.
    • Users must evaluate the volume of data and ensure that treemaps stay responsive.
  • Responsiveness and Screen Real Estate:
    • Treemaps require enough area on the report canvas, which may limit their use in specific dashboards or reports.
    • A great user experience requires adaptable treemaps that respond effectively to different screen widths.
  • User Experience and Accessibility:
    • Treemaps rely primarily on visual perception, which may be a challenge for people with visual impairments.
    • It is critical to provide alternative text descriptions and provide color contrast for accessibility.

Case Studies and Examples:

Real-world case studies and examples show how treemaps can be used effectively in real-world circumstances.

  • Making a Retail Sales Hierarchy Visible:
    • A case study that shows how a retail corporation used a treemap to analyze sales data from various product categories, brands, and shops.
    • The treemap assisted in identifying top-selling products and their regional distribution.
  • Examining Project Expenses:
    • A treemap is used to visualize project costs in a construction company.
    • The treemap revealed cost breakdowns by project stage and expense category.
  • Investigating Population Demographics:
    • A case study of how treemaps can be used to analyze population demographics such as age groups, gender distributions, and geographical distributions.
    • The treemap indicated patterns in population distribution across several regions.

Comparing Treemaps to Other Visualisations:

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of treemaps in comparison to other visualization styles will assist users in selecting the best method for their data analysis.

  • Treemaps vs. Sunbursts:
    • A comparison of treemaps and sunbursts, which both visualize hierarchical data but use radial layouts.
    • Discussing the benefits and applications of each visualization method.
  • Treemaps vs. Hierarchical Bar Charts: Which Is Better?
    • In comparison, hierarchical bar charts use bar lengths to depict data proportions within categories, whereas treemaps do not.
    • Identifying circumstances in which one visualization may be preferable to another.
  • Treemaps vs. Tree Diagrams: Which Is Better?
    • In contrast to treemaps, tree diagrams use node connections to depict hierarchical data.
    • Highlighting the distinct advantages of each visualization type.

Future Power BI Treemap Trends and Enhancements:

Looking ahead, we investigate prospective enhancements and advancements in Power BI treemap visualizations.

  • Performance Enhancements:

Discussing various optimizations to improve the speed and efficiency of treemap rendering, especially with enormous datasets.

  • Styling and Dynamic Formatting:

Investigating dynamic formatting options for treemap styles that alter based on user interactions or data situations.

  • AI and Natural Language Processing Integration:

The possible integration of AI and natural language processing to provide more advanced data exploration and insights inside treemaps is being considered.

Comparative Analysis with Treemaps:

  • Comparing Sizes and Proportions:

By comparing the sizes of the rectangles in the treemap, users can easily detect the relative proportions of data types.

  • Identifying Patterns and Outliers:

Treemaps can provide useful insights by identifying patterns, clusters, and gaps in hierarchical data.

  • Hierarchical Trend Analysis:

Users can see trends and changes in data distribution by drilling down and investigating different hierarchical levels.

Techniques for Advanced Treemaps:

  • Treemaps with Multiple Hierarchies:

Users of Power BI can generate treemaps with numerous hierarchies, allowing for a variety of data analysis viewpoints.

  • Sorting and ordering by hand:

Users can sort and order treemap nodes according to specific criteria, such as data values or alphabetical order.

  • Drillthrough and Bookmarks:

Bookmarks allow you to store certain views of treemaps, while drill-through capabilities allow you to get to more detailed data.

Common Applications for Treemap Visualisations:

  • Analysis of Sales and Revenue:

Treemaps are used to compare product sales, revenue distribution, and market share across product categories and geographic regions.

  • Investment and Portfolio Management:

Treemaps depict portfolio structures and investment allocations, assisting in the identification of high-performing assets and hazards.

  • Analysis of Organisational Structure and Workforce:

Treemaps depict the organizational hierarchy and worker distribution among departments, providing insights into the structure of the organization.

Limitations and Considerations: -

Data Volume and Performance:

Treemap performance and responsiveness may be impacted by large datasets or complex hierarchies.

To achieve smooth interactions, users should optimize data and design.

Examples and Case Studies :

  • Creating a Retail Sales Hierarchy:
    • A case study that shows how a retail corporation used a treemap to analyze sales data from various product categories, brands, and shops.
    • The treemap visualization displayed the distribution of sales across several product categories and aided in the identification of top-selling and underperforming products.
    • Color gradients were also employed by the corporation to illustrate the revenue performance of different stores and areas, providing extra insights.
  • Project Expenditure Analysis :
    • An example of how a construction company used a treemap to visualize project spending.
    • The treemap depiction provides an easy-to-understand breakdown of costs by project stage and expense category.
    • The drill-down functionality allowed the organization to investigate individual project specifics and expenses connected with various stages.
  • Exploring Population Demographics:
    • A case study shows how a demographic survey organization analyzed population demographics using treemaps.
    • The treemap visualization revealed the distribution of demographics such as age groups, gender, and geographical locations in the population.
    • Users may analyze demographic changes at various geographical levels, from country to city, thanks to the hierarchical structure.

Using Treemaps to Compare to Other Visualisations:

  • Sunbursts vs. Treemaps:

A comparison of treemaps and sunburst visualizations, which both show hierarchical data in a radial arrangement.

Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each visualization type, as well as when to apply them.

  • Treemaps vs. Hierarchical Bar Charts: Which Is Better?

In comparison, hierarchical bar charts use bar lengths to depict data proportions within categories, whereas treemaps do not.

Investigating use cases for both visualizations and their applicability in various settings.

  • Treemaps vs. Tree Diagrams: Which Is Better?

In contrast to treemaps, tree diagrams use node connections to depict hierarchical data.

Discuss the distinct advantages of each style of visualization and when to use one over the other.

Future Power BI Treemap Trends and Enhancements:

  • Performance Enhancements:

Investigating various optimizations to increase the speed and efficiency of treemap visualizations, such as data summarising approaches or rendering improvements.

  • Dynamic Formatting and Styling:

Dynamic formatting options that adjust treemap styles based on user interactions or changes in data conditions are being considered.

We're talking about real-time data updates and visual changes.

  • AI and Natural Language Processing Integration:

Investigating potential AI and natural language processing integrations to enhance treemap visualizations.

Discussing how artificial intelligence-driven ideas and data interpretations might improve data analysis.


The conclusion summarises the main points and advantages of utilizing treemap visualizations in Power BI for data analysis and reporting.

  • Recap of Power BI Treemap Visualisation:

Summarising the major principles and components of Power BI treemaps.

  • Advantages and Practical Applications:

The benefits of treemaps for hierarchical data processing and visualization in numerous disciplines are reiterated.

  • Key Takeaways and Suggestions:

Providing meaningful insights and advice for utilizing treemaps successfully to acquire valuable insights from data.

Finally, treemap visualizations in Power BI are effective tools for visualizing hierarchical data, allowing users to acquire a better grasp of complex data structures and spot trends and patterns. Users can develop successful treemaps and use their interactive features for smart data analysis by following best practices and understanding constraints. Treemaps are likely to acquire updates and changes as Power BI evolves, making them even more valuable in the future.

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