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Difference between parameter and arguments in C

Understanding the difference between parameters and arguments is essential in the world of programming, especially in languages like C. Although they have different meanings and serve different purposes in the context of function calls, both phrases are frequently used interchangeably. In this blog article, we will examine the distinctions between parameters and arguments, using code samples, explanations of the syntax, and examples of the output to help you grasp the concepts.

What is Patameters?

The variables declared in the definition of a function are referred to as parameters. They serve as placeholders or containers that hold values that are passed in from calling functions. The number of values and data type that the function expects as well as its interface (or "signature") is defined through parameters.

What is Arguments?

The actual values or expressions provided to a function during its invocation are known as arguments. They match the parameters set forth in the function and offer the actual information or values that are necessary for the function to carry out the tasks for which it was designed.

Writing modular, reusable, and effective code requires an awareness of the differences between parameters and arguments. Programmers may write functions that interact with other areas of their codebase with ease by understanding how parameters and arguments work together.

This blog article will examine the distinctions between parameters and arguments in C using code samples, explanations of the syntax, and examples of the output. By the conclusion, you will have a firm grasp on how to use parameters and arguments in C and make efficient use of them to create reliable and useful programs.


Let's look at the C syntax for sending arguments and defining parameters:

Defining Parameters:

Passing Arguments:

Head-to-head comparison between Parameter and Arguments

Here, you will learn the head-to-head comparisons between Parameter and Arguments. The main differences between Parameter and Arguments are as follows:

Parameters Arguments
Parameters are variables declared in a function definition. They act as placeholders to receive values from the calling function. Arguments are actual values passed to a function during its invocation. They correspond to the parameters defined in the function.
Parameters are defined in the function declaration and definition. Arguments are passed at the time of function call.
Parameters are used to specify the type and number of values a function expects to receive. Arguments provide the actual values to be processed by the function.
Parameters are local to the function they are declared in and can only be accessed within that function's scope. Arguments are accessible only within the body of the called function.
Parameters are optional. A function can have zero or more parameters. Arguments are mandatory. They must be provided during the function call unless the corresponding parameters are declared as optional.
Parameters are placeholders that help define the function's interface. Arguments are concrete values that populate the parameters, enabling the function to perform its intended operations.
Parameters are typically used to receive data from the calling function or to specify the behavior of the called function. Arguments supply the necessary data or values required by the function to perform its operations.
Parameters are defined and declared within the function's definition or prototype. Arguments are passed at the time of function invocation.
Parameters can have default values in C++ functions, allowing them to be omitted during the function call. Arguments in C do not have default values, and all parameters must be explicitly provided.
Parameters can have different names from the arguments passed to them. Arguments must match the order, type, and number of parameters defined in the function.
Parameters allow for function overloading in languages like C++. Multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists can exist. Arguments play a role in function overloading by determining which overloaded function should be called based on the argument types and number.
Parameters are scoped within the function they are declared in and cannot be accessed outside of it. Arguments are local to the called function and cannot be accessed from the calling function.
Parameters can be modified within the function to affect the function's behavior Arguments are typically read-only within the called function, although they can be modified if passed by reference using pointers.
Parameters are placeholders that define the function's interface. Arguments provide concrete values to populate the parameters, allowing the function to perform its intended operations.


Below is an example code snippet with the associated output and explanation to demonstrate the concepts of parameters and arguments in C:


Hello, John!
The sum of 5 and 7 is: 12


In the code above, we have two functions: greetUser and calculateSum. Let's explore each of them to learn how arguments and parameters are used. The only input for this function is a single char* argument named name. The parameter name serves as a placeholder for the value to be passed in. We declare a variable and give it the value "John" in the main function.

The name variable is passed as an argument to the greetUser function via the function call greetUser(name). After that, the function is called, and it uses the given value to output the greeting. The two int-type parameters that this function accepts are num1 and num2, respectively. Two integer values can be entered into these parameters as placeholders. We define two variables, num1 and num2, and give them the values 5 and 7, respectively, in the main function.

The variables num1 and num2 are passed as parameters to the calculateSum function by the function call calculateSum(num1, num2). After that, the function is called, which employs the + operator to compute the sum of the two inputs and then returns the result. The result variable holds the value that was returned. To show the total of the two numbers, we print the values of num1, num2, and result.

We can see from the output that when the greetUser function is called with the input "John", the text "Hello, John!" is printed. Like this, when the calculateSum function is used with the arguments 5 and 7, the result is the printing of the total of 12.

This example illustrates the difference between arguments (values supplied to functions during invocation) and parameters (used in function declarations). Arguments provide the specific values necessary for the function's execution, whereas parameters specify the placeholders for placeholder values.


In conclusion, it is crucial to understand the distinction between arguments and parameters when using the C programming language. In the definition of a function, parameters are declared as variables that act as placeholders for values to be passed in from the calling function. They establish the function's interface or signature by defining the kind and number of values anticipated.

The actual values or expressions provided to a function during its invocation are known as arguments. They give the specific information or values needed for the function to carry out the operations for which it was designed and correlate to the parameters defined in the function.

Developers may create modular, reusable code by understanding the difference between parameters and arguments. Arguments give the essential information or values to satisfy the requirements specified by parameters, which determine the input specifications and behavior of functions.

Furthermore, it is essential for C programmers to comprehend the syntax for defining parameters and passing arguments. In the definition or prototype of the function, parameters are declared with their names and data types. At the time a function is called, arguments are passed that correspond to the order, kind, and quantity of the appropriate parameters.

Programmers can write functions that interact seamlessly with other areas of their codebase by using parameters and arguments to their advantage. This encourages code reuse and enhances the overall structure of their programs.

In C programming, arguments and parameters have different purposes. While arguments provide the specific values necessary for those functions to work, parameters specify what to expect and how to behave from those functions. Programmers can develop more organized, effective code, which results in C programs that are robust and functional, by learning the concepts of arguments and parameters.

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