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SQL Server String Functions

A string function accepts a string value as an input and returns a string value regardless of the data type (string or numeric). There are several built-in string functions in SQL Server that developers can use to manipulate the character data effectively. String methods in SQL Server are extremely useful for processing the string data type. SQL Server stores string and character data using a variety of data types such as varchar, nvarchar, and char. Therefore, the string functions can be used to obtain the desired and precise results effectively.

The following image will show all string functions used in SQL Server:

SQL Server String Functions

This article will cover most of the common string functions used in SQL Server and explain each of them with examples. The following table listed each of the functions with a brief description:

Function Name Descriptions
ASCII This function displays the ASCII value of a character.
CHAR This function converts the specified integer code (ASCII) into a single-byte character.
CHARINDEX This function returns the first expression's starting position if a character expression is found inside a second character expression.
CONCAT This function returns a single string by joining two or more strings.
CONCAT_WS This function concatenates multiple strings into a single and spate them with a separator specified in the first position.
DIFFERENCE This function returns an integer value by comparing the two strings SOUNDEX() values.
FORMAT This function is used to change the text format of the string into any other format.
LEFT This function returns the substring from the left of the string to a specified number of characters.
LEN This function returns the number of characters in a string, including trailing spaces.
LOWER This function is used to convert the upper case character into lower case.
LTRIM This function returns a string from a given string after removing all leading spaces.
NCHAR This function is used to get the Unicode character with the provided integer code based on the UNICODE standard.
PATINDEX This function returns the first occurrence of a pattern in a string's starting place. If the string is not found, it returns zero.
QUOTENAME This function returns a Unicode string including the delimiters, converting the input string into a valid delimited identifier.
REPLACE This function is used to replace all occurrences of the substring in a specified string with another string value.
REPLICATE This function repeats the string with the specified number of times.
REVERSE This function displays the character string in reverse order.
RIGHT This function returns the substring from the right of the string to a specified number of characters.
RTRIM This function returns a string from a given string after removing all trailing spaces.
SOUNDEX It is used to calculate the similarity of two strings using a four-character (SOUNDEX) code.
SPACE This function is used to finds the string of repeated spaces.
STR This function is used to return the character data converted from numeric data.
STRING_AGG This function concatenates the values of string expressions and inserts separator values in between. It does not add a separator at the end of the string.
STRING_ESCAPE This function escapes special characters in a string and produces a new string containing the characters that were escaped.
STRING_SPLIT It is a table-valued function that divides a string into rows of substrings using a separator of your choice.
STUFF This function removes a portion of a string and replaces it with another substring beginning at a specified position.
SUBSTRING This function extracts a substring from a string that begins at a specific position and ends at a specific length.
TRANSLATE This function combines several one-to-one translations into a single operation.
TRIM This function returns a new string after removing all leading and trailing blanks from a given string.
UNICODE This function returns a character's integer value as defined by the Unicode standard.
UPPER This function converts the lower case character into the upper case.

Let us see some of the most common string function examples.

Example1: This example will return the numerical ASCII value of the character 'A' and 'B':

Executing the statement will return the below result:

SQL Server String Functions

Example2: This example will search for the string 'Javatpoint' in the 'Hello Javatpoint' and, if it finds, return the index of a specific string expression within a given string

Executing the statement will return the below result. Here the first searching for the string Javatpoint returned 7, but when we specified the start location as 8, it returned 0 since no occurrence is found after this index.

SQL Server String Functions

Example3: This example will use the CONCAT() function that takes more than two input string and return those string into a single output after concatenation:

Executing the query will display the below output:

SQL Server String Functions

Example4: This example uses the SOUNDEX() function that accepts a string as input and produces a four-character string based on how it is spoken. It converts the first character of the code into the upper case and becomes the input string's first character. The code's remaining characters are numbers that represent the expression's letters.

Here is the result:

SQL Server String Functions

We can see from the results that the SOUNDEX() method produces the same result for 'J' and 'Ja' because the character 'a' is disregarded (as the A, O, U, E, I, Y, H, W is ignored until they are not the first character). Also, because the SOUNDEX() function only needs the first four characters, the results of Javatpoint and Javatpoint Noida are identical.

Example5: This example uses the DIFFERENCE() function that measures the similarity of the two strings.

This statement gives the below output:

SQL Server String Functions

Here, we can see that the DIFFERENCE() function returns a value of 4 as the SOUNDEX() function returns the same value for Hello and Hello World, indicating that they are both based on the SOUNDEX() value. The DIFFERENCE() function, on the other hand, returns 1 for Hello and Bicycle, indicating that they are not similar.

Example6: This example uses the LEFT() and RIGHT() functions to extract a specific number of characters from the left-side or right-side of a string.

Executing the statement will return the below result:

SQL Server String Functions

Example7: This example uses the LOWER() and UPPER() to change the character case of an input string. The functions LOWER() and UPPER() are used to modify the letter case to lower case and upper case, respectively.

Executing the statement will return the below result:

SQL Server String Functions

Example8: This example will use the LTRIM() and RTRIM() functions to remove additional spaces from an input string's left or right sides.

Executing the statement will return the below where we see that spaces from the left and right of the string javatpoint are removed:

SQL Server String Functions

Example9: This example uses the QUOTENAME() function that returns a Unicode string including the delimiters, converting the input string into a valid delimited identifier:

Executing the statement will return the below output:

SQL Server String Functions

Example10: This example uses the REPLICATE() function to repeat the string a specified number of times.

Executing the statement will return the below result:

SQL Server String Functions


This article explains a complete overview of several SQL Server's built-in string functions, as well as some examples and pictures.

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