Q. Program to sort the elements of the circular linked list.ExplanationIn this program, we will create a circular linked list and sort the list in ascending order. In this example, we maintain two nodes: current which will point to head and index which will point to next node to current. The first loop, keep track of current and second loop will keep track of index. In the first iteration, current will point to 9. The index will point to node next to current which in this case is 5. 9 is compared with 5, since 9 > 5, swap data of index node with the current node. Now, the current will have 5. Now, 5 will be compared to 2. Again 5 > 2, swap the data. Now current will hold 2 and index will hold 7. 2 < 7, nothing will be done. The index will be incremented and pointed to 3. 2 < 3. Nothing will be done. In this way, we will have a minimum value node in the first position. Then, we will keep on finding minimum element in the rest of the list until the list is completely sorted. 9->5->2->7->3 Algorithm
SolutionPythonOutput: Original list: 70 90 20 100 50 Sorted list: 20 50 70 90 100 COutput: Original list: 70 90 20 100 50 Sorted list: 20 50 70 90 100 JAVAOutput: Original list: 70 90 20 100 50 Sorted list: 20 50 70 90 100 C#Output: Original list: 70 90 20 100 50 Sorted list: 20 50 70 90 100 PHPOutput: Original list: 70 90 20 100 50 Sorted list: 20 50 70 90 100 Next Topic# |