Write a program to calculate the Altitude of Isosceles Triangle

Before writing the program of calculating the altitude of isosceles triangle in different programming languages, firstly we have to know about the formula to find altitude of Isosceles triangle?

Program of calculating the altitude of Isosceles Triangle in different Programming languages

Program 1: Write a Program in C language:

Output of Above C program:

Enter the side a of the Isosceles Triangle:5
Enter the base b of the Isosceles Triangle:8
Altitude of the Isosceles Triangle is: 3.00

Program 2: Write a Program in Java language:

Output of Above Java program:

The Altitude of a Isosceles Triangle in Java:

Program 3: Write a Program in PHP programming language.

Output of Above PHP program:


Program 4: Write a Program in Python programming language.

Output of Above Python program:


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