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What is the full form of RAM

RAM: Random Access Memory

RAM is a volatile memory means that data in RAM are lost when computer is turned off. It is the main memory of a computer or mobile phones. You can change or erase your data in RAM. Data or applications currently being used on a device are stored in RAM from the hard drives because data from the RAM are loaded much faster than the hard drives. Your computer speed will increase with the increase in the capacity of your RAM.

It is called 'random access' because data can be read and write randomly from any single byte.

RAM full form

Types of RAM

Generally RAM can be divided into two broad categories:

  • SRAM:Static RAM is much faster and more expensive than DRAM. It often functions as cache memory. Information in SRAM is volatile. It stores a bit of data using six transistor memory cell.
  • DRAM: Dynamic RAM is slower than SRAM. It stores a bit of data using a transistor and capacitor pair. As it is less expensive, most computers use DRAM. It is also a volatile memory.

Features of RAM

  • It is a storage type device, works as main memory.
  • It determines the computer speed.
  • It is much smaller than hard disk, both physically as well as capacity wise.
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