PouchDB Update Document

A document in PouchDB can be updated by using the (_rev). A _rev is generated when we create a document in PouchDB. It is called revision marker. The _rev's value is a unique random number, each time we make changes to the document the value of _rev is changed.

To update a document, we have to retrieve _rev value of the document which we want to update.

Now, place the contents that are to be updated along with the retrieved _rev value in a new document, and finally insert this document in PouchDB using the put() method.

Update Document Example

First retrieve the data from the document to get its _rev number.

Use read document method.

Now use the _rev and update the value of "age" to 24. See the following code:

Save the above code in a file named "Update_Document.js" within a folder name "PouchDB_Examples". Open the command prompt and execute the JavaScript file using node:


{ age: 24,
  _id: '001',
  _rev: '2-b26971720f274f1ab7234b3a2be93c83' }
PouchDB Update document 1

Update a Document in Remote Database

You can update an existing document in a database which is stored remotely on CouchDB Server. For this, you have to pass the path of the database which contains the document that you want to update.


We have a database named "employees" on the CouchDB Server.

PouchDB Update document 2

By clicking on "employees", you will find that it has a document.

PouchDB Update document 3

Let's update name and age of the document having id "001" that exists in database "employees" and stored on CouchDB Server.


Save the above code in a file named "Update_Remote_Document.js" within a folder name "PouchDB_Examples". Open the command prompt and execute the JavaScript file using node:


{ _id: '001',
  _rev: '4-406cbc35b975d160d8814c04d64bafd3',
  name: 'Aryan',
  age: 25 }
PouchDB Update document 4

You can also see that document has been successfully changed on CouchDB server.

PouchDB Update document 5

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