Prototype Design Pattern

Prototype Pattern says that cloning of an existing object instead of creating new one and can also be customized as per the requirement.

This pattern should be followed, if the cost of creating a new object is expensive and resource intensive.

Advantage of Prototype Pattern

The main advantages of prototype pattern are as follows:

  • It reduces the need of sub-classing.
  • It hides complexities of creating objects.
  • The clients can get new objects without knowing which type of object it will be.
  • It lets you add or remove objects at runtime.

Usage of Prototype Pattern

  • When the classes are instantiated at runtime.
  • When the cost of creating an object is expensive or complicated.
  • When you want to keep the number of classes in an application minimum.
  • When the client application needs to be unaware of object creation and representation.

UML for Prototype Pattern

Prototype Design Pattern
  • We are going to create an interface Prototype that contains a method getClone() of Prototype type.
  • Then, we create a concrete class EmployeeRecord which implements Prototype interface that does the cloning of EmployeeRecord object.
  • PrototypeDemo class will uses this concrete class EmployeeRecord.

Example of Prototype Design Pattern

Let's see the example of prototype design pattern.



Prototype Design Pattern output 1

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