Oracle QueriesYou can execute many queries in oracle database such as insert, update, delete, alter table, drop, create and select. 1) Oracle Select QueryOracle select query is used to fetch records from database. For example: 2) Oracle Insert QueryOracle insert query is used to insert records into table. For example: 3) Oracle Update QueryOracle update query is used to update records of a table. For example: 4) Oracle Delete QueryOracle update query is used to delete records of a table from database. For example: 5) Oracle Truncate QueryOracle update query is used to truncate or remove records of a table. It doesn't remove structure. For example: 6) Oracle Drop QueryOracle drop query is used to drop a table or view. It doesn't have structure and data. For example: 7) Oracle Create QueryOracle create query is used to create a table, view, sequence, procedure and function. For example: 8) Oracle Alter QueryOracle alter query is used to add, modify, delete or drop colums of a table. Let's see a query to add column in customers table: Next TopicOracle SELECT |