Raid 0

RAID 0 is an abbreviation of the Redundant Array of Independent Disk level 0. Raid 0 is also called striped volume or stripe set or disk striping.

Raid 0 is a standard level, which does not consist of mirroring or parity, but only consists of striping for handling the data. This level needs at least two disks for processing.

In the system of Raid 0, data is split into small blocks (strips), and then the data is written to two or more drives parallelly in the array.

This level increases the speed and improves the Input/Output performance by using the multiple disks simultaneously. The read and write operation on the data in RAID 0 is faster.

Raid 0

It does not offer redundancy and fault tolerance in the data. The main disadvantage of this level is that, if any of the drives fail due to some reason, then all the data on that drive is lost. And, the lost data cannot be backed up or accessed.

This disk level is the right choice in those situations when a large volume of high-speed storage is required.

Why Use RAID 0

Following are some reasons which describe why should we use RAID 0:

  • This RAID level is used to maximize the speed of the server's performance.
  • As we know, this level does not consist parity concept. So, the entire capacity of the disk is only used for storing data.
  • This level is used for PC gamers and photographers who save and load large files at a fast speed using the editing software.

Advantages of RAID 0

Following are the advantages or benefits of a Redundant Array of Independent Disk level 0:

  • The cost of design the Raid 0 technology is low.
  • Raid 0 technology is simple and easy to setup.
  • It provides high performance in both read and write operations.
  • The storage capacity is completely utilized.

Disadvantages of RAID 0

Following are the disadvantages or cons of Redundant Array of Independent Disk level 0:

  • It is not an ideal situation for mission-critical systems.
  • The big disadvantage of Raid 0 is that it is not fault-tolerant. If any single disk crashes or fails, then all the data is lost. Therefore, it is not the best disk level for storing sensitive data.

Difference between RAID 0 and RAID 1

Following table shows the comparisons between the RAID level 0 and RAID level 1:

1. RAID 0 is an abbreviation of the Redundant Array of Independent Disk level 0.1. RAID 1 is an abbreviation of the Redundant Array of Independent Disk level 1.
2. Disk stripping feature is used in this RAID level.2. Disk Mirroring feature is used in this RAID level.
3. In this RAID technology, no write penalty exists.3. In this RAID technology, there exists a write penalty.
4. Its cost is low.4. Its cost is high, i.e., this RAID level is expensive.
5. As compared to RAID 1, the performance of the write operation in RAID 0 is good.5. As compared to RAID 0, the performance of the write operation in RAID 1 is slow.
6. There is no protection is present at this RAID level.6. Mirror protection is present at this RAID level.
7. In RAID 0, storage is 100% utilized.7. In RAID 1, storage is 50% utilized.

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