C# SystemException classThe SystemException is a predefined exception class in C#. It is used to handle system related exceptions. It works as base class for system exception namespace. It has various child classes like: ValidationException, ArgumentException, ArithmeticException, DataException, StackOverflowException etc. It consists of rich constructors, properties and methods that we have tabled below. C# SystemException SignatureC# SystemException ConstructorsConstructors | Description |
SystemException() | It is used to initialize a new instance of the SystemException class. | SystemException(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext) | It is used to initialize a new instance of the SystemException class with serialized data. | SystemException(String) | It is used to initialize a new instance of the SystemException class with a specified error message. | SystemException(String,Exception) | It is used to initialize a new instance of the SystemException class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. |
C# SystemException PropertiesProperty | Description |
Data | It is used to get a collection of key/value pairs that provide additional user-defined information about the exception. | HelpLink | It is used to get or set a link to the help file associated with this exception. | HResult | It is used to get or set HRESULT, a coded numerical value that is assigned to a specific exception. | InnerException | It is used to get the Exception instance that caused the current exception. | Message | It is used to get a message that describes the current exception. | Source | It is used to get or set the name of the application that causes the error. | StackTrace | It is used to get a string representation of the immediate frames on the call stack. | TargetSite | It is used to get the method that throws the current exception. |
C# SystemException MethodsMethod | Description |
Equals(Object) | It is used to check that the specified object is equal to the current object or not. | Finalize() | It is used to free resources and perform cleanup operations. | GetBaseException() | It is used to get root exception. | GetHashCode() | It is used to get hash code. | GetObjectData(SerializationInfo,StreamingContext) | It is used to get object data. | GetType() | It is used to get the runtime type of the current instance. | MemberwiseClone() | It is used to create a shallow copy of the current Object. | ToString() | It is used to create and return a string representation of the current exception. |
C# SystemException ExampleThis class can be used to handle exception of subclasses. Here, in the following program, program throws an IndexOutOfRangeException that is subclass of SystemException class. Output: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.