Login Form in CodeIgniter (without MySQL)Here, we'll make a simple login page with the help of session. Go to file autoload.php in application/config/autoload.php Set session in library and helper. Create controller page Login.php in application/controllers folder. Look at the above snapshot, we have created a session for a single user with Username juhi and Password 123. For a valid login and logout we will use this username and password. Create view page login_view.php in application/views folder. Create view page welcome_view.php in application/views folder to show the successful login message. Output Type URL localhost/login/index.php/Login Now on entering wrong information we'll be see unsuccessful message which we have set in login_view page in else part. Now on entering right information, we'll see welvome_view.php message. Click on Logout, we'll be directed to Login page.
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