Model-View-Controller (MVC)CodeIgniter framework is based on MVC pattern. MVC is a software that gives you a separate logical view from the presentation view. Due to this, a web page contains minimal scripting. ModelModels are managed by the Controller. It represents your data structure. Model classes contain functions through which you can insert, retrieve or update information in your database. Some points to be noted By default, index method is always loaded if you have not written any second method in the URL. For example, if your method is Then your URL will be like OR But if your method is Then your URL will be like ViewView is the information that is presented in front of users. It can be a web page or parts of page like header and footer. ControllerController is the intermediary between models and view to process HTTP request and generates a web page. All the requests received by the controller are passed on to models and view to process the information. It is the center of your every request on your web application. Some points to be noted
If you think that Models are of no use to you or they are more complex then you can ignore them and build your project using Controllers and views.
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