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C++ multiset constructor

There are following five uses of multiset constructor:

  1. default (empty) constructor: This is used to construct an empty multiset container with zero elements.
  2. range constructor: This is used to construct a container with the contents of range [first, last).
  3. copy constructor: This is used to construct a multiset with a copy of the elements of existing container.
  4. move constructor: This is used to construct the container with the elements of other with the use of move semantics.
  5. initializer list constructor: This is used to construct the multiset with the content of the initializer list.


Default constructor

range constructor

copy constructor

move constructor

initializer list constructor


comp: A comparison function object which takes two key arguments and returns true if first argument goes before the second argument otherwise, it returns false. By default, it uses less<key_type> predicate.

alloc: An allocator object use for all memory allocations of this container.

first: Input iterator to the first position in a range.

last: Input iterator to the last position in a range.

x: Another multiset object of the same type.

il: An initializer list object from which the elements are to be copied.

Return value

Constructor never returns any value.


For empty constructors and move constructors, complexity will be constant.

For all other cases, complexity will be linear in the distance between the iterators if the elements are already sorted.

Iterator validity

Invalidate all pointers, iterators, and references related to x if the elements of multiset container are moved in the move constructor.

Data Races

All copied elements are accessed.

Exception Safety

No effects in case an exception is thrown.

Example 1

Let's see the simple example for default constructor:


Size of multiset = 0

In the above example, s is an empty multiset therefore, size is 0.

Example 2

Let's see a simple example for range constructor:


Size of multiset container mymultiset is: 5

In the above example, multiset mymultiset is constructed with the elements of evens.

Example 3

Let's see a simple example for copy constructor:


Size of multiset container s1 is: 2
Size of new multiset container s2 is: 2

In the above example, s2 is a copy of s1 multiset.

Example 4

Let's see a simple example for move constructor:


Size of multiset container s1 is: 3
Size of new multiset container s2 is: 3

In the above example, contents of s1 are moved to s2 multiset.

Example 5

Let's see a simple example for initializer list constructor:


Size of multiset container fruit is: 5

The above example creates a multiset fruit with string as key and initializes it with initializer_list.

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