Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue contains() MethodThe contains() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class returns a Boolean value true if the specified element is present in this queue. Syntax:Parameters:o - this is the object that is to be checked for the presence in this queue. Specified By:The contains() method of ConcurrentLinkedQueue class is specified by contains() method in interface Collection<E>. Override:The contains() method of class ConcurrentLinkedQueue is overridden by : contains() method in class AbstractCollection<E>. Return Value:The contains() method returns the Boolean value true if the specified element is present in this queue else it returns false. Example 1Output: 1.Ram 2.Sham 3.Mira 4.Rajesh Ram is present Example 2Output: Incorrect answer! Example 3Output: Simran is present on 12.08.18 Next TopicJava-concurrentlinkedqueue-add-method |