Phalcon InstallationWe need to install WAMP/MAMP/LAMP/XAMP according to your operating system. Below the installation is based on WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP). We install the following prerequisite:
Installing PhalconStep1: Download Phalcon from for windows. Download Phalcon dll file for Windows. Step 2: Unzip the folder in C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\ext i.e. in extension folder of php. Step3: Edit the php.ini file which is located at C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\php.ini with notepad or other similar editor. Step 4: Restart WAMP server and we can see the Phalcon extension added. Installing Developer toolsStep 1: Download developer tools from of correct version. Extract in C:\ drive which looks like C:\phalcon-devtools-master. Version info in WAMP Check by running WAMP server then click on phpinfo(). Step 2: Set environment variables for PHP and Phalcon developer tools. Step3: Open cmd and type command "phalcon". Step 4: Create project demo using command. Edit: We edit the server config file
Run- To check the successful installation of project we run project file located under directory file:///C:/wamp/www/demo/index.html and run on localhost. Next TopicPhalcon First Example |