Apache Ant CVS Task

CVS (Concurrent Version System) is a version control system. It is used to handle modules retrieved from the CVS repository.

Apache Ant CVS Task Attributes

commandCommand to be executed.No
compressionRequire either true or falseNo
compressionlevelIt takes a number between 1 and 9.No
cvsRootA CVSROOT variable.No
cvsRshA CVS_RSH variable.No
destA destination directory path.No
packagePackage name to be checked out.No
tagTag of the package to check out.No
dateDate of most recent revision.No
quietSuppress informational messages.No
reallyquietSuppress all messages.No
noexecNo execution.No
outputTo produce output.No
errorThe file to direct standard error from the command.No
appendwhether to append output/error when redirecting to a file.No
portPort to be used by CVS.No
passfileA file that read passwords.No
failonerrorStop the build process if fails.No

Apache Ant CVS Task Example

Lets see an example in which check out the package ant from the CVS repository pointed by the cvsRoot attribute, and store the files in ${ws.dir}.

We can update package which is already checked out into ${ws.dir}. Use the below example.

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