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Aho-Corasick Algorithm for Pattern Searching in C++

Pattern searching is one basic or irreplaceable operation in almost any area of computer science or algorithms in general. An efficient pattern searching algorithm is very crucial when parsing text, finding keywords, and seeking sequences within data. The Aho-Corasick Algorithm is a powerful and versatile algorithm meant to efficiently handle the problem of pattern matching.

Understanding the Aho-Corasick Algorithm:

The Aho-Corasick Algorithm takes its name from its developers, namely Alfred V. Aho and Margaret J. Corasick. Instead of iterations over the text for each pattern separately, naive searches would use a finite state machine approach that allows for higher speed.

Implementation in C++:

Let us consider an easily understandable example of Aho-Corasick algorithm written in C++. It is how the algorithm used to find multiple patterns in string can be applied.


Pattern found at position 3
Pattern found at position 1
Pattern found at position 0
Pattern found at position 2
Pattern found at position 3
Pattern found at position 3
Pattern found at position 1
Pattern found at position 0
Pattern found at position 2


  • TrieNode Structure: This example outlines in detail the structure of a Trie Node that consists of a map representing the children, a reference or a failure link, and an output list.
  • AhoCorasick Class: Uses TrieNode structure for Aho-Corasick Algorithm.
  • insertPattern Function: Adds a pattern template in the trie.
  • buildStateMachine Function: Failure links are provided by the breadth-first traversal, which results in generating a finite state machine.
  • search Function: Considers trends within the text and produces results of the search.


In conclusion, the Aho-Corasick algorithm is shown to be an intelligent method of searching patterns in C++. It speeds up the process by establishing a trie-based finite state machine thereby allowing for multiple patterns to be matched at once. This algorithm's strength is evident in how it can address various patterns present in different texts. It illustrates the wide applicability of this method in areas like text processing and data analysis. This section offers a succinct and articulate C++ code, which is a practical guide for programmers who wish to incorporate the algorithm into their projects. Aho-Corasick's ability to reduce time complexity through failure links and merge output lists makes it significant in instances where instantaneous and thorough pattern identification is required. However, in terms of pattern tracking, the Aho-Corasik algorithm becomes useful in that it is a fine-line balancer between efficiency and flexibility.

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