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Insertion in Splay Tree in C++

Splay Trees is a type of binary search tree. It has a unique feature in which they dynamically alter their structure based on recent access history. This ability makes them particularly efficient for certain operations, and one such operation is the insertion of nodes. In this article, we will discuss the insertion of nodes in a splay tree in C++.

Before delving into insertion, let's briefly revisit the characteristics of a Splay Tree. These trees are binary search trees that prioritize the most recently accessed element by moving it to the root. This process, known as "splaying", involves a series of rotations and rearrangements.

Inserting a node into a Splay Tree involves two main steps:

Normal Binary Search Tree Insertion: Initially, the new node is inserted using the conventional binary search tree approach. It entails finding the appropriate position based on the node's value and adding it as a leaf.

Splaying: Post the standard insertion, the newly inserted node undergoes a splaying process, ensuring it becomes the root. This dynamic adjustment is vital for maintaining the tree's adaptability based on access history.


Let's take a closer look at the C++ code that brings this process to life.


In-order traversal of the Splay Tree: 2 5 8 10 15


The provided C++ code encapsulates the logic behind Splay Tree insertion. It includes functions for right and left rotations, the splaying operation, and the insertion process itself. The main function demonstrates the insertion of a sequence of elements (10, 5, 15, 2, 8) into the Splay Tree.


Splay Trees present a captivating approach to binary search trees, dynamically adjusting their structure based on recent access patterns. As exemplified through the C++ code, the insertion operation seamlessly integrates standard binary search tree insertion with a subsequent splaying operation, ensuring the tree's self-adjusting property.

A solid grasp of Splay Trees and their insertion operation is crucial for effectively utilizing their advantages in applications where dynamic adaptability is paramount.

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