Java DatabaseMetaData interface

DatabaseMetaData interface provides methods to get meta data of a database such as database product name, database product version, driver name, name of total number of tables, name of total number of views etc.

Commonly used methods of DatabaseMetaData interface

  • public String getDriverName()throws SQLException: it returns the name of the JDBC driver.
  • public String getDriverVersion()throws SQLException: it returns the version number of the JDBC driver.
  • public String getUserName()throws SQLException: it returns the username of the database.
  • public String getDatabaseProductName()throws SQLException: it returns the product name of the database.
  • public String getDatabaseProductVersion()throws SQLException: it returns the product version of the database.
  • public ResultSet getTables(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String[] types)throws SQLException: it returns the description of the tables of the specified catalog. The table type can be TABLE, VIEW, ALIAS, SYSTEM TABLE, SYNONYM etc.

How to get the object of DatabaseMetaData:

The getMetaData() method of Connection interface returns the object of DatabaseMetaData. Syntax:

Simple Example of DatabaseMetaData interface :

Output:Driver Name: Oracle JDBC Driver
       Driver Version:
       Database Product Name: Oracle
       Database Product Version: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
                                 Release -Production

Example of DatabaseMetaData interface that prints total number of tables :

Example of DatabaseMetaData interface that prints total number of views :

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