Difference between Hue and Saturation

Hue and Saturation are characteristics of the color. The primary distinction between them is that whereas saturation refers to a hue's level of brightness and dullness, hue is the purest form of a color. Colors are often measured from 0 to 360 degrees, with red at 0, green at 120, and blue at 240.

Most color wheels work in degrees, with angles measured on the color wheel, but in the point of computer systems, the idea is entirely different, with everything existing in binary values. A byte is utilized to save the color in the computer systems memory, which falls a little short because it can scale from 0 to 255. As a result, just 240 values are required to store the hue, with the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colors allocated in increments of 80, such as red at the lowest frequency of the color, 80 at the green, and 160 at blue.

In this article, you will learn about the difference between Hue and Saturation. But before discussing the differences, you must know about Hue and Saturation.

What is Hue?

The hue of a color is a component of its chromaticity. Red, green, and blue are the three main colors of light. It is why televisions, computers, and other electronic color visual displays use a trio of red, green, and blue phosphors to generate all electrically conveyed colors. Hue is a single value that describes the color of something and is typically measured in degrees. It has the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and magenta all the way back to red. Although, magenta and pink colors are not light frequencies, and a rainbow may prove it. It begins with red and progresses to different colors, but it doesn't contain magenta and pink because they are not genuine frequencies humans can see.

What is Saturation?

Saturation is defined by the purity of the color and its distance from the grey color. If a color has much more greyness, it has a lower saturation level. Moreover, saturation could be viewed as the hue's dominance in the color. The outermost edge of the hue wheel includes the pure hue; as you move inside the wheel to the centre, which contains grey, the hue steadily drops, and the saturation likewise falls. It relates to a physical property known as the excitation property, which measures the percentage of brightness mixed with the dominant or pure color.

Key differences between Hue and Saturation

Difference between Hue and Saturation

There are various key differences between Hue and Saturation. Some of the key differences between Hue and Saturation are as follows:

  1. Hue is an essential property of light that aids in differentiating different colors from one another. On the other hand, saturation specifies how intense the color is at the specified hue or the degree of vividness.
  2. Hue is determined by measuring the difference between white light and various color of light. In contrast, saturation is determined by the amount of grey in color.
  3. The degree of the angle is utilized to measure the Hue. On the other hand, saturation is usually measured in a percentage.

Head-to-head comparison between Hue and Saturation

Here, you will learn the head-to-head comparisons between Hue and Saturation. The main differences between Hue and Saturation are as follows:

DefinitionIt is an essential property of light that aids in differentiating different colors from one another.The degree of saturation indicates how pure the hue is. Always black at 0% saturation and red at 100% saturation.
Identified byObserving the distinction between red, green, and white light.Determining how much grey color has been incorporated into the pure colour.
Alternative namesIt is also known as the dominant frequency.It is also known as purity.


Hue and saturation are the line inclinations specified by the position of the RGB vector over the line. Hue is the color attribute that distinguishes white light from red and green light. In contrast, saturation is the degree of luminance combined with the pure substance of the color.

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