Difference Between Put and Patch Method

What is Put?

When creating an object or resource on an HTTP server, clients utilize the PUT method. This setup procedure itself may take one of two shapes:

When an object is requested that doesn't already exist, the server creates it and returns a response code 201 to the client.

The server changes the entity, which already exists, and returns a success code of 200 and 204 to a client. Moreover, the server should provide the client with the appropriate error number, often a 4xx or 5xx, if a PUT request encounters a problem.

What is Patch?

The PATCH technique modifies resource elements only partially. The requested modifications are executed atomically via the PATCH technique. It implies that the server won't alter the target object if it can't accommodate all of the requested modifications. In this approach, if the request is carried out correctly, the server sends the client the success code 204. Otherwise, an error code is sent by the server.

Difference Between Put and Patch Method

Difference Between Put and Patch

  • When a client uses the PUT method to alter a resource, the whole resource is updated. PATCH is a technique of resource modification where the client transmits updated partial data without changing the complete data.
  • The contained entity in a PUT request is taken into account to be a changed version of the resource saved on the origin server, as well as the client is asking for the stored version to be replaced.
  • With PATCH, however, the contained entity comes with a set of guidelines outlining how to change a resource that is presently located on the origin server to create a new version.
  • According to the claim that HTTP PUT is idempotent, sending retries of a request several times should be comparable to making a single request update. In essence, it is claimed that HTTP PATCH is non-idempotent. Hence, if you submit the request N more times, the server will generate N resources with N unique URIs.
  • High Bandwidth is present
  • It has Low Bandwidth because only data that needs to be updated is sent as a payload in the body of the request.
definitionIt is used to update record and each and every details of that particular record will get updated.It is also used to update record and here important thing is whatever will provide in payload , only those details will get updated and rest all will remain untouched
Request with body contentyesno
Successful response with body contentnoyes

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