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LINQ Partition Operator

In LINQ, Partition Operators are used to partition the list/collections items into two parts and return one part of the list items. Here are the different types of partitioning operators available in LINQ.

  1. TAKE
  3. SKIP
LINQ Partition Operator

By using these operators, we can partition the list/collection of items into two parts and return the one part of the list items.

The table shows more detailed information related to partition operators in LINQ.

Operator Description Query-Syntax
TAKE This operator is used to return the specified number of elements in the sequence. Take
TAKEWHILE This operator is used to return the elements in the sequence which satisfy the specific condition. Takewhile
SKIP This operator is used to skip the specified number of elements in a sequence and return the remaining elements. Skip
SKIPWHILE This operator is used to skip the elements in a sequence based on the condition, which is defined as true. Skipwhile

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