Compare Two Sets in Java

In Java, Set is a collection interface used to store unique elements. Set doesn't allow users to enter duplicate values in it. We often need to compare two sets to check whether they contain the same elements or not, and both sets should also have the same size.

The Set interface provides the equals() method for verifying the equality of the given two sets. It returns either true or false based on the equality of both sets. If both the sets contain the same elements and have the same size, the method returns true.

The equals() method has the following syntax:

Let's take some examples to understand how we can use the equals() method to compare two sets.


Compare Two Sets in Java


Compare Two Sets in Java

So, the equals() method is one of the most used and fast ways to compare two sets in Java. The equals() method compares two sets based on the type of the elements, size of the set, and value of the elements.