Creating a Simple MicroserviceStep 1: Create a Maven project using Spring Initializr Step 2: Choose the Spring Boot version 2.2.0 M6 or higher version. Do not choose the snapshot version. Step 3: Provide the Group name. In our case om.javatpoint Step 4: Provide the Artifact id. We have provided limits-service. Step 5: Add the following dependencies: Spring Web, Spring Boot DevTools, Spring Boot Actuator, Config Client. Step 6: Click on Generate the project button. A zip file will download, extract it into the hard disk. Step 7: Now, open the eclipse. Import the created maven project. It takes some time to download the required files. Step 8: Once the project is downloaded, go to src/main/java. Open the LimitsServiceApplication. Step 9: Now run the as Java Application. It started the Tomcat on port(s) 8080 (http). Now we will add couple of services in the above project. For this we will have to follow the following steps: Step 1: Open file and write the following code: Step 2: Create a class file with name in the folder src/main/java under the package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice and write the following code: Step 3: Create a class file with name in the folder src/main/java under the package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitservice.bean and write the following code: Type the localhost:8080/limits in the browser and press enter, we get the JSON response as output. Output { maximum: 1000, minimum: 1 } Adding services to the application.propertiesIn the previous program, we will modify the code according to the requirement. Now we call the limits-service from the file. In this file, we are configuring a couple of values. There is a better approach in Spring Boot to read values from the configuration using the annotation @ConfigurationProperties. Step 1: Create a class with name in the folder src/main/java under the package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitservice. Step 2: Add the annotations @Component and @ConfigurationProperties. Step 3: Declare two variables minimum and maximum. Step 4: If we are using the Configuration file, we need to generate getters and setters. The file look like this. Step 5: Now move to file and modify the code. In this we will use Configuration. Now refresh the browser page. It shows the JSON format of the updated values which are configured in application .properties file. Output { maximum: 999, minimum: 99 } Next TopicSetting up Spring Cloud Config Server |