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Difference Between Java 8 and Java 11

James Gosling created Java, a high-level programming language, in 1995. A popular language for Android apps is Java. Java is used even in the creation of the Android operating system. Because of its clear, straightforward, and understandable syntax, it is very well-liked by developers. Over the years, several versions have been published. Oracle launched Java 8 and Java 11, which have distinct functionality, in 2014 and 2018, respectively. In this section, we will discuss the differences between Java 8 and Java 11.

Overview of Java 8

A significant turning point in the evolution of the Java programming language was the introduction of Java 8 in March 2014. It brought in a number of ground-breaking innovations that updated Java and improved its development capabilities. Lambda expressions, the Stream API for functional programming, default methods in interfaces, functional interfaces, and Java. time package for better date and time handling are some of Java 8's standout features. The way Java code was written was completely changed by these innovations, which also made the code more expressive and succinct.

Overview of Java 11

Java 11, which was introduced in September 2018, built on the groundwork set by Java 8 to continue the platform's progress. The introduction of Long-Term maintenance (LTS) for Java 11-which guarantees prolonged maintenance and upgrades for a longer length of time-was one of the most significant advancements. Local-variable type Inference (var), Nest-Based Access Control, the HTTP Client API, improved speed, and other security updates were among the many new features and changes brought about by Java 11. It also signalled Oracle's shift from a proprietary Java development paradigm to one that is more open-source and community-driven, with an emphasis on long-term stability.

Java 8 Vs. Java 11

Feature Java 8 Java 11
Released Year March 2014 September 2018
LTS (Long-Term Support) No Yes
Language Features Lambda expressions
Stream API
Default methods in interfaces
Functional interfaces
Date and Time API (java.time)
Local-Variable Type Inference (var)
Nest-Based Access Control
Single-File Source-Code Launching
Enhanced performance
Modules (Jigsaw Project) No Yes
Compact Profiles Yes (limited JRE subsets) No (Removed)
Garbage Collection G1 Garbage Collector (default) G1 Garbage Collector (default)
Removed Features Applet support
JavaFX (as part of the JRE)
PermGen space (replaced with Metaspace)
Java EE and CORBA modules
Various deprecated APIs
Enhanced Security No TLS 1.3 Support
Additional cipher suites
Key agreement improvements
Performance Improvements Nashorn JavaScript Engine
Enhanced Stream API performance
Improved G1 Garbage Collector performance
Flight Recorder for Continuous Monitoring
JDK Versions (as of release) Java 8u301 Java 11.0.12
IDE and Tools Compatibility IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA
Oracle JDK vs. OpenJDK Oracle JDK required a commercial license while OpenJDK was the open-source equivalent. OpenJDK is fully open-source and free for commercial use.
Support for Newer Language Versions No Yes, supports newer Java versions
Development and Community Oracle's involvement with Java community was uncertain Community-driven updates. Java Community Process (JCP) and OpenJDK community actively drive Java's development.
Licensing and Updates Commercial features required Oracle JDK subscription. Free updates until January 2019 for Oracle JDK. Oracle provides Oracle JDK for commercial support, while OpenJDK is fully free and open-source.
Module System No Introduced with Java 9, improved in Java 11
Garbage Collection Improvements No Improved G1 Garbage Collector
Performance Monitoring and Troubleshooting Limited toolset Flight Recorder for continuous monitoring
New HTTP Client API No Yes, included as a standard feature
Enhanced Docker Support Limited support Improved Docker compatibility
JavaFX (as a separate module) Yes Yes
Dynamic Class-File Constants No Yes
Improved Collection Factory Methods No Yes
Deprecated APIs Several deprecated APIs and methods Removed several deprecated APIs and methods
TLS 1.3 Support No Yes
Multi-Release JAR Files No Yes
Single-File Source-Code Launching No Yes


In conclusion, the Java ecosystem has undergone substantial changes as a result of Java 8 and Java 11, both in terms of language features and how Java is created and delivered. Lambdas, streams, and the Java. time API was first introduced in Java 8, but Java 11 expanded on those capabilities and offered improvements to security, speed, and modularity. Another noteworthy feature of Java 11 is that it is an LTS version, meaning that updates and support will be available for a longer duration.

Java developers should carefully consider these differences when choosing a Java version for their projects, keeping in mind factors like licensing, ongoing maintenance, and the specific functionalities their applications require. The project's requirements and how effectively it integrates with the most recent developments in the Java ecosystem will ultimately determine whether to use Java 8 or Java 11.

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