Aspect | orTimeout() Method | completeOnTimeout() Method |
Purpose | Introduce a timeout mechanism to CompletableFuture. | Provide a timeout-based completion mechanism. |
Behavior | Throws a TimeoutException if no result within the timeout. | Completes with a default value if no result within timeout. |
Original State Change | Does not alter the original CompletableFuture's. | Alters the original CompletableFuture's state. |
Handling Timeouts | React to timeouts by handling exceptions. | Trigger an alternative flow without raising exceptions. |
Use Cases | Ideal for cases where timeout implies a significant issue. | Suitable when timeouts are anticipated and need handling. |
Example Use | Network requests where timeout signifies a problem. | Real-time dashboard displaying cached data on timeout. |
Exception Handling | Throws Exception | Provides Value Replacement |
How Timeouts Are Handled | Throws a TimeoutException that needs to be caught and handled using try-catch or exception propagation. | Completes with a default value that can be directly used, avoiding the need for exception handling. |
Original Future State | Unaffected | Altered |
Effect on Initial CompletableFuture | Does not modify the original CompletableFuture instance; timeout behavior is added externally. | Modifies the original CompletableFuture's state by completing it with a default value. |
Exception Type | TimeoutException | No New Exception Types |
Exception Type Introduced for Timeouts | Introduces a TimeoutException type specifically for handling timeouts caused by this method. | No new exception types are introduced by this method. |
Dependency on Completion Stage | Attached to CompletableFuture. | Independent of Completion Stage. |
Method Attachment Requirement | Requires an initial CompletableFuture to attach the orTimeout() method. | Can be used independently on any CompletableFuture instance. |
CompletableFuture Creation | New CompletableFuture Creation. | Alteration of Existing CompletableFuture. |
Creation of Alternative CompletableFuture | If a timeout occurs, you might need to create a new CompletableFuture to handle the alternative flow. | Changes the existing CompletableFuture's content and state upon timeout. |
Value on Timeout | N/A | Value on Timeout |
Specifying Value on Timeout | Does not provide a way to specify a value for the CompletableFuture upon timeout. | Allows specifying a default value to complete the CompletableFuture with when a timeout occurs. |
Chaining and Pipelining | Suitable for Pipelining. | Less Suited for Pipelining. |
Pipelining Support | May be more suitable for chaining and composing multiple CompletableFuture operations. | The altered state might not be suitable for smooth pipelining of multiple CompletableFuture operations. |
Timeout Exception Handling Flexibility | Limited Flexibility | Fallback Value Customization |
Customizing Exception Handling on Timeout | Provides a specific exception type (TimeoutException) for handling timeouts distinctly. | Allows customization of the fallback value based on your application's needs. |
Custom Actions on Timeout | Limited Custom Actions | Custom Actions on Timeout |
Defining Actions Beyond Timeout | The primary action on timeout is raising a TimeoutException. Limited ability to customize this behavior. | Offers more flexibility to define alternative actions when a timeout occurs, including providing fallback values. |
Timeout Impact on Future Completion | No Impact on Completion. | Potential Early Completion. |
Completion Timing Impact | Timeout handling does not impact the original CompletableFuture's completion. | Completes the CompletableFuture with the default value as soon as the timeout is reached, potentially leading to earlier completion. |