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Driver Class Java

Java is a versatile and widely used programming language known for its platform independence and object-oriented approach. One of the fundamental concepts in Java programming is the use of classes and objects. A crucial aspect of this is the concept of a "Driver Class". In this section, we will delve into what a Driver Class is, its purpose, and how it is utilized in Java programming.

What is a Driver Class?

In Java, a Driver Class is a class that contains the main method, which serves as the entry point of a Java program. When you run a Java application, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) starts executing the main method of the class that you specify. This class is referred to as the Driver Class.

The Role of a Driver Class

The primary purpose of a Driver Class is to facilitate the execution of a Java program. When you run a Java application, you specify the Driver Class to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM then starts executing the main method within this class.

Additionally, the Driver Class often serves as a container for the initialization and setup of the program. It can create instances of other classes, call methods, and orchestrate the flow of execution.

Using a Driver Class in Practice

Let's consider an example to illustrate the use of a Driver Class:



Enter the car model: Toyota
Engine started for Toyota


In Java programming, a Driver Class is the class that contains the main method, which serves as the entry point for the program. It plays a crucial role in initiating the execution of a Java application. Understanding and effectively utilizing Driver Classes is fundamental to developing Java applications. By creating a well-structured Driver Class, we can orchestrate the flow of your program and leverage the power of object-oriented programming in Java.

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