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for loop enum Java

In a computer language, enumerations are used to express a set of named constants. For instance, the four spades in a deck of starting to play cards could be represented by the enumerators Club, Diamonds, Heart, and Spade, which are members of the enumerated type Suit. The natural enumerated kinds are another example (like the planets, days of the week, colors, directions, etc.).

Enum are employed when all potential values are known at the time of compilation, as in the case of menu options, calculating methods, command-line flags, etc. The set of variables in such an enum type need not remain consistent throughout time. A class type in Java is an enumeration. Although we don't need to use new to create an instance of an enum, it can still perform the same functions as other classes. Enumeration in Java is a very effective tool because of this aspect. You may give them constructors, add instances variables and functions, and even implement interfaces, just like you can with classes.

Keep in mind that enumerations cannot inherit from other classes or be expanded, unlike classes (i.e become superclass). Discussion about enum for loops in Java The Java code for the enum for loop appears.

The only variation from a regular Java 5 for loop in this instance is the use of our Java enum's values function.

Enum were represented using the enum data type in Java (as of version 1.5). Enum in Java are more capable than those in C/C++. Parameters, methods, and constructors can all be added to it in Java. Enum's primary goal is to allow us to create custom data types (Enumerated Data Types).

Enum declarations in Java can be made inside or outside of classes, but not inside of methods.

Iterate Using for Loop:

Iterate using the static values() function of the java.lang language. An array of enum values is provided by the enum class. After receiving an array of enum values, a for loop can be used to iterate through the array.

The following software uses a for loop to demonstrate iterating over an enum:


Spring Season
Summer Season
Autumn Season
Winter Season

Using to iterate:

The class can also be used to iterate through an enum. By giving enum.values() as a function parameter, the Stream.of() method can be used to create a stream of enum.values(). Java repetition over an enum is demonstrated in the programme below.


Spring Season,
Summer Season,
Autumn Season,
Winter Season,

Iterate Using forEach():

Lists or sets can be used with the forEach() method. Convert an enum into a list or set before using the forEach() method.

Below is an example of converting an enum to a set and using forEach:

Below is an example of converting an enum to a list and using forEach:

The following application uses forEach() to demonstrate iterating across enum:


Spring Season
Summer Season
Monsoon Season
Autumn Season
Winter Season
Spring Season
Summer Season
Monsoon Season
Autumn Season
Winter Season

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