How to Call Static Blocks in Java?

Static code blocks in Java are unique sections of code that are only run once, during the initialization of a class. They are typically used to execute one-time setup operations like initialising static variables or any other necessary setup. Static blocks are automatically executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), unlike ordinary methods, which need an explicit call to start. The calling of static blocks in Java will be covered in this article, along with its importance to programme execution.

Static Blocks: An Overview

Static blocks are enclosed within curly braces and preceded by the static keyword. They are executed in the order they appear within the class. Typically, static blocks are used to initialize static variables or perform any other initialization tasks that need to be executed before the class is used. Here's the general syntax of a static block in Java:

Automatically Executed

Static blocks are executed automatically when the class is loaded by the JVM in contrast to ordinary methods, which must be manually invoked. No matter how many instances of the class are produced, the JVM ensures that static blocks are only ever executed once. They are therefore suited for operations that must be carried out just once while the programme is running.

Order of Execution

If a class contains numerous static blocks, they are executed in the order they occur within the class. It's vital to remember that static blocks are executed before class constructors and any other static or instance methods. This makes sure that the essential preparations are made before the class is used.

Example: Using Static Blocks

Let's consider an example to demonstrate the usage of static blocks. Suppose we have a class called MyClass with a static block that initializes a static variable count:

File Name:


Static block executed.
Count: 10

In the above code, the static block initializes the count variable with a value of 10 and prints a message.

This demonstrates that the static block is automatically executed before the main method, ensuring that the count variable is initialized properly.

Benefits of Static Blocks

Static blocks offer several benefits in Java programming:

Initialization: Static blocks allow initialization of static variables or execution of other one-time setup tasks.

  • Order of Execution: They ensure that the necessary setup tasks are performed before the class is used, providing control over the execution order.
  • Error Handling: Static blocks can be useful for handling exceptions or errors that occur during initialization.


Java's static blocks offer a straightforward way to initialise static variables or carry out other initialization operations that must be carried out just once while the programme is being executed. They serve a vital function in making sure the right setup is made before a class is utilised and are automatically executed by the JVM. You may improve initialization and the overall operation of your Java programmes by knowing how to use static blocks efficiently.

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