I'm trying to + (verb): Usage and Examples

I'm trying to + (verb) denotes you are attempting to accomplish something. It can be done physically or mentally.


" I'm trying to exercise daily. "
" I'm trying to enjoy the cricket. "
" I'm trying to read the books. "
" I'm trying to eat healthy. "
" I'm trying to earn money. "
" I'm trying to clear the exam. "
" I'm trying to win the match. "
" I'm trying to learn spanish. "
" I'm trying to call my friend Alex. "
" I'm trying to get pregnant. "
" I'm trying to do the job right. "
" I'm trying to get a new job. "
" I'm trying to quit smoking. "
" I'm trying to protect you. "
" I'm trying to change. "
" I'm trying to install antivirus on my pc. "
" I'm trying to improve my English. "
" I'm trying to hide her shoes. "
" I'm trying to impress her. "
" I'm trying to be like my father. "
" I'm trying to write autobiography. "
" I'm trying to write a note. "

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