Java 8 Stream APIFor processing the objects collections, Java 8 is introduced. A stream is nothing but the objects sequence that give support to the different methods that can be pipelined for producing the result that is required. Before proceeding with this topic further, it is advised to the readers to gain the basic knowledge of Java 8. Creation of StreamsThere are various ways to create the stream instance of the various resources. Empty StreamIn order to create the empty stream, one must use the empty() method: Syntax: E: The different types of stream elements. Return Value: An empty sequential of stream is returned. Note: When invoking methods that has the stream parameters, an empty stream can be helpful in order to avoid the nullpointer exceptions.Example FileName: Output: Nothing to display From CollectionsA stream can be created of any type of Collection (Collection, List, Set): Example FileName: Output: J2EE JAVA Hibernate Spring J2EE JAVA Hibernate Spring JAVA Hibernate J2EE Spring Using ArraysArray can also be the source of the Stream or Array can also be generated from the array that is existing or from the portion of the array: FileName: Output: a1 b1 c1 d1 a1 b1 c1 d1 a1 b1 c1 d1 Using Stream.builder()When a builder is utilized, the type that is desired must be specified additionally in the right side part of the statement, else, the method build() creates the Stream<Object> instance: Syntax: Parameters: E: The different types of stream elements. Return Value: A stream builder is returned. Example FileName: Output: a1 b1 c1 Using Stream.generate()Stream generate(Supplier<T> s) returns an infinite sequential unordered stream where every element is produced by the Supplier provided. It is suitable for creating constant streams, streams of the random elements, etc. Syntax: Where, stream is an interface and E is the type of stream elements. sup is the Supplier of the elements generated and the value of return is the new infinite sequential unordered Stream. Example FileName: Output: -412391913 1531711136 -432916310 341021951 -615096017 1339859082 Using Stream.iterate()The iterate(E, java.util.function.Predicate, java.util.function.UnaryOperator) method allows the iteration of the elements of stream until the mentioned condition. The method returns a sequential ordered Stream generated by the iterative application of the provided next function to the starting element, satisfying the condition hasNext predicate that is being passed as the parameter. The stream gets terminated as soon as the condition hasNext gives a false value. Syntax: Parameters: The method has a total of three parameters: st: it is the starting element, hasNext: it is the predicate that is applied to the elements for determining whether the stream should terminate or not next: it is a function that is applied to the previous element in order to produce a new element. Return value: The method will return a new sequential Stream. Example FileName: Output: 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.125 Using Stream of Primitives()Java 8 gives the facility for the creation of streams out of the three primitive types: int, long and double. As the Stream<E> is the generic interface, and there is no way for using the primitives as the type parameter with generics, a total of the three new special interfaces were made: IntStream, LongStream, DoubleStream. IntStream Example FileName: Output: Sum of the operation of intStreamRangeTest : 3 Time Elapsed of the intStreamRangeTest: 41313298 Sum of the operation of intStreamRangeClosedTest: 10 Time elapsed of the intStreamRangeClosedTest: 562842 LongStream Example FileName: Output: The total count is: 3 DoubleStream Example FileName: Output: The total count is: 3 Using Stream of StringStrings can also be used for creating stream by taking assistance of the chars() method, which is present in the String class. Stream of String FileName: Output: The total number of character count is: 10 Referencing A StreamWe can do the instantiation of the stream, and have a reference accessible to it, as long as only operations that intermediate are made. After executing a terminal operation, the stream becomes inaccessible. The illustration of it is mentioned below. FileName: Output: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed at java.base/ at java.base/ at StreamCreationEx.main( Explanation: We have got the IllegalStateException in the main thread. It is because the streams in Java 8 can never be reused, and this behaviour is logical too. It is because the streams are designed to apply the finite sequence of operations to the elements source in the functional style, not to keep elements. If we want to avoid this exception, we should write the following code. FileName: Output: Optional[a1] Stream PipelineIn order to do operations sequentially, over the elements of data source and do the aggregation of their results, three parts are needed. The source Intermediate operations modify or filter the elements in the stream, and a new stream is returned. Examples: filter, distinct, map, limit, sorted. Terminal operations generate a side effect or result, marking the end of a stream. Examples: forEach, reduce, collect, min, count, anyMatch, max, noneMatch, allMatch. Pipelines does chain of intermediate and terminal operations, processing data in a expressive and fluent manner. Each operation receives input from the previous operation and generates output for the next operation. Pipelines allow declarative and concise coding. From the terminal operation, the result is found. FileName: Output: The sum of twice of odd numbers in the input list is: 78 Lazy EvaluationLazy evaluation also known as the call-by-need evaluation is the evaluation strategy, in which the evaluation of strategies is delayed unless its value is not required. All operations that are intermediate are executed on the stream if a terminal operation is called on it. In Java stream, lazy evaluation is one of the main features that permits the significant optimizations. FileName: Output: Result is: Filter Done: 5 Filter Done: 9 Filter Done: 15 [5, 9, 15] Explanation: It is general known fact that, the first statement inside the main method executed first, and then the second statement, and after that the third statement, and so on. Going by this concept, the output should be: However, it is not the case. The print statement that contains "Result is: " gets executed first, and the filter() and peek() methods are not executed at all. These methods get executed when the terminal operation collect() is executed in the last print statement. Points to Remember About Java StreamsThe following are some important points that a user must know.
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