Sr. no. |
Method name |
Description |
1. |
void add(String item) |
It adds the specified item into the end of scrolling list. |
2. |
void add(String item, int index) |
It adds the specified item into list at the given index position. |
3. |
void addActionListener(ActionListener l) |
It adds the specified action listener to receive action events from list. |
4. |
void addItemListener(ItemListener l) |
It adds specified item listener to receive item events from list. |
5. |
void addNotify() |
It creates peer of list. |
6. |
void deselect(int index) |
It deselects the item at given index position. |
7. |
AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() |
It fetches the accessible context related to the list. |
8. |
ActionListener[] getActionListeners() |
It returns an array of action listeners registered on the list. |
9. |
String getItem(int index) |
It fetches the item related to given index position. |
10. |
int getItemCount() |
It gets the count/number of items in the list. |
11. |
ItemListener[] getItemListeners() |
It returns an array of item listeners registered on the list. |
12. |
String[] getItems() |
It fetched the items from the list. |
13. |
Dimension getMinimumSize() |
It gets the minimum size of a scrolling list. |
14. |
Dimension getMinimumSize(int rows) |
It gets the minimum size of a list with given number of rows. |
15. |
Dimension getPreferredSize() |
It gets the preferred size of list. |
16. |
Dimension getPreferredSize(int rows) |
It gets the preferred size of list with given number of rows. |
17. |
int getRows() |
It fetches the count of visible rows in the list. |
18. |
int getSelectedIndex() |
It fetches the index of selected item of list. |
19. |
int[] getSelectedIndexes() |
It gets the selected indices of the list. |
20. |
String getSelectedItem() |
It gets the selected item on the list. |
21. |
String[] getSelectedItems() |
It gets the selected items on the list. |
22. |
Object[] getSelectedObjects() |
It gets the selected items on scrolling list in array of objects. |
23. |
int getVisibleIndex() |
It gets the index of an item which was made visible by method makeVisible() |
24. |
void makeVisible(int index) |
It makes the item at given index visible. |
25. |
boolean isIndexSelected(int index) |
It returns true if given item in the list is selected. |
26. |
boolean isMultipleMode() |
It returns the true if list allows multiple selections. |
27. |
protected String paramString() |
It returns parameter string representing state of the scrolling list. |
28. |
protected void processActionEvent(ActionEvent e) |
It process the action events occurring on list by dispatching them to a registered ActionListener object. |
29. |
protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) |
It process the events on scrolling list. |
30. |
protected void processItemEvent(ItemEvent e) |
It process the item events occurring on list by dispatching them to a registered ItemListener object. |
31. |
void removeActionListener(ActionListener l) |
It removes specified action listener. Thus it doesn't receive further action events from the list. |
32. |
void removeItemListener(ItemListener l) |
It removes specified item listener. Thus it doesn't receive further action events from the list. |
33. |
void remove(int position) |
It removes the item at given index position from the list. |
34. |
void remove(String item) |
It removes the first occurrence of an item from list. |
35. |
void removeAll() |
It removes all the items from the list. |
36. |
void replaceItem(String newVal, int index) |
It replaces the item at the given index in list with the new string specified. |
37. |
void select(int index) |
It selects the item at given index in the list. |
38. |
void setMultipleMode(boolean b) |
It sets the flag which determines whether the list will allow multiple selection or not. |
39. |
void removeNotify() |
It removes the peer of list. |