Sr. no. | Method name | Description |
1. | void addAdjustmentListener (AdjustmentListener l) | It adds the given adjustment listener to receive instances of AdjustmentEvent from the scroll bar. |
2. | void addNotify() | It creates the peer of scroll bar. |
3. | int getBlockIncrement() | It gets the block increment of the scroll bar. |
4. | int getMaximum() | It gets the maximum value of the scroll bar. |
5. | int getMinimum() | It gets the minimum value of the scroll bar. |
6. | int getOrientation() | It returns the orientation of scroll bar. |
7. | int getUnitIncrement() | It fetches the unit increment of the scroll bar. |
8. | int getValue() | It fetches the current value of scroll bar. |
9. | int getVisibleAmount() | It fetches the visible amount of scroll bar. |
10. | boolean getValueIsAdjusting() | It returns true if the value is in process of changing where action results are being taken by the user. |
11. | protected String paramString() | It returns a string representing the state of Scroll bar. |
12. | protected void processAdjustmentEvent (AdjustmentEvent e) | It processes the adjustment event occurring on scroll bar by dispatching them to any registered AdjustmentListener objects. |
13. | protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) | It processes the events on the scroll bar. |
14. | void removeAdjustmentListener (AdjustmentListener l) | It removes the given adjustment listener. Thus it no longer receives the instances of AdjustmentEvent from the scroll bar. |
15. | void setBlockIncrement(int v) | It sets the block increment from scroll bar. |
16. | void setMaximum (int newMaximum) | It sets the maximum value of the scroll bar. |
17. | void setMinimum (int newMinimum) | It sets the minimum value of the scroll bar. |
18. | void setOrientation (int orientation) | It sets the orientation for the scroll bar. |
19. | void setUnitIncrement(int v) | It sets the unit increment for the scroll bar. |
20. | void setValue (int newValue) | It sets the value of scroll bar with the given argument value. |
21. | void setValueIsAdjusting (boolean b) | It sets the valueIsAdjusting property to scroll bar. |
22. | void setValues (int value, int visible, int minimum, int maximum) | It sets the values of four properties for scroll bar: value, visible amount, minimum and maximum. |
23. | void setVisibleAmount (int newAmount) | It sets the visible amount of the scroll bar. |
24. | AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() | It gets the accessible context related to the scroll bar. |
25. | AdjustmentListener[] getAdjustmentListeners() | It returns an array of al lthe adjustment listeners registered on the scroll bar. |
26. | T[] getListeners(ClasslistenerType) | It returns an array if all objects that are registered as FooListeners on the scroll bar currently. |