Java Image
Image class in Java is an abstract superclass for all the other classes used for graphical image representation.
Class Declaration
The declaration for java.awt.Image class is as following:
Java Image Class Fields
Following table shows various fields of Image class.
Field |
Description |
protected float accelerationPriority |
It prioritise for accelerating the image. |
It uses the area averaging image scaling algorithm. |
static int SCALE_DEFAULT |
It use the default image-scaling algorithm. |
static int SCALE_FAST |
It chooses an image-scaling algorithm that gives higher priority to scaling speed than smoothness of the scaled image. |
static int SCALE_REPLICATE |
It uses the image scaling algorithm embodied in the ReplicateScaleFilterClass. |
static int SCALE_SMOOTH |
It chooses an image-scaling algorithm that gives higher priority to image smoothness than scaling speed. |
static Object UnderfinedProperty |
The UndefinedProperty object should be returned whenever a property that was not defined for a particular image is fetched. |
Image Class Methods
Method |
Description |
void flush() |
It flushes all reconstructable resources being used by this image object. |
float getAccelerationPriority() |
It returns the current value of the acceleration priority hint. |
ImageCapabilities getCapabilities(GraphicsConfiguration gc) |
It returns an ImageCapabilities object which can be inquired as to the capabilities of this image on the specified GraphicsConfiguration. |
abstract Graphics getGraphics() |
It creates a graphics context for drawing to an offscreen image. |
abstract int getHeight(ImageObserver observer) |
It determines the height of the image. |
abstract Object getProperty(String name, ImageObserver observer) |
It gets a property of the image by name. |
Image getScaledInstance(int width, int height, int hints) |
It creates a scaled version of the image. |
abstract ImageProducer getSource() |
It gets the object that produces the pixels for the image. |
abstract int getWidth(ImageObserver observer) |
It determines the width of the image. |
void setAccelerationPriority(float priority) |
It sets a hint for the image about how important acceleration is. |
Java Image Example
The following program demonstrates the use of Image class in Java.