Method | Description |
createImageInputStream(Object input) | Returns an ImageInputStream that will take its input from the given Object. |
createImageOutputStream(Object output) | Returns an ImageOutputStream that will send its output to the given Object. |
getCacheDirectory() | Returns the current value set by setCacheDirectory, or null if no explicit setting has been made. |
getImageReader(ImageWriter writer) | Returns an ImageReadercorresponding to the given ImageWriter, if there is one, or null if the plug-in for this ImageWriter does not specify a corresponding ImageReader, or if the given ImageWriter is not registered. |
getImageReaders(Object input) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageReaders that claim to be able to decode the supplied Object, typically an ImageInputStream. |
getImageReadersByFormatName(String formatName) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageReaders that claim to be able to decode the named format. |
getImageReadersByMIMEType(String MIMEType) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageReaders that claim to be able to decode files with the given MIME type. |
getImageReadersBySuffix(String fileSuffix) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageReaders that claim to be able to decode files with the given suffix. |
getImageTranscoders(ImageReader reader, ImageWriter writer) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageTranscoders that claim to be able to transcode between the metadata of the given ImageReader and ImageWriter. |
getImageWriter(ImageReader reader) | Returns an ImageWritercorresponding to the given ImageReader, if there is one, or null if the plug-in for this ImageReader does not specify a corresponding ImageWriter, or if the given ImageReader is not registered. |
getImageWriters(ImageTypeSpecifier type, String formatName) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageWriters that claim to be able to encode images of the given layout (specified using an ImageTypeSpecifier) in the given format. |
getImageWritersByFormatName(String formatName) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageWriters that claim to be able to encode the named format. |
getImageWritersByMIMEType(String MIMEType) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageWriters that claim to be able to encode files with the given MIME type. |
getImageWritersBySuffix(String fileSuffix) | Returns an Iterator containing all currently registered ImageWriters that claim to be able to encode files with the given suffix. |
getReaderFileSuffixes() | Returns an array of Strings listing all of the file suffixes associated with the formats understood by the current set of registered readers. |
getReaderFormatNames() | Returns an array of Strings listing all of the informal format names understood by the current set of registered readers. |
getReaderMIMETypes() | Returns an array of Strings listing all of the MIME types understood by the current set of registered readers. |
getUseCache() | Returns the current value set by setUseCache, or true if no explicit setting has been made. |
getWriterFileSuffixes() | Returns an array of Strings listing all of the file suffixes associated with the formats understood by the current set of registered writers. |
getWriterFormatNames() | Returns an array of Strings listing all of the informal format names understood by the current set of registered writers. |
getWriterMIMETypes() | Returns an array of Strings listing all of the MIME types understood by the current set of registered writers. |
read(File input) | Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied File with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered. |
read(ImageInputStream stream) | Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied ImageInputStream with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered. |
read(InputStream input) | Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied InputStream with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered. |
read(URL input) | Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied URL with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered. |
scanForPlugins() | Scans for plug-ins on the application class path, loads their service provider classes, and registers a service provider instance for each one found with the IIORegistry. |
setCacheDirectory(File cacheDirectory) | Sets the directory where cache files are to be created. |
setUseCache(boolean useCache) | Sets a flag indicating whether a disk-based cache file should be used when creating ImageInputStreams and ImageOutputStreams. |
write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, File output) | Writes an image using an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to a File. |
write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, ImageOutputStream output) | Writes an image using an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to an ImageOutputStream. |
write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, OutputStream output) | Writes an image using an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to an OutputStream. |