LinkedTransferQueue removeAll() method in Java with Examples

The removeAll () method in the LinkedTransferQueue class is used to remove all occurrences of elements that are present in a given collection from the queue. It is a component of the Java Concurrency Utilities which was added to Java in version 7, and it is particularly useful in concurrent programming situations when multiple threads may be accessing and modifying the queue at the same time.

Method Signature


boolean: It is used to show the message if the operation of removing elements was successful or not. Returns true if elements were removed from the queue by running the pop() method, otherwise false.

Method Name: removeAll: Indicates the action that that method carries out, which is to remove all the elements from the queue which are in the specified collection.

Parameters: Collection c: It is the collection containing elements to be removed from the queue. The method removes all elements from the queue that are also present in the specified collection c.

Example 1: Removing Multiple Elements

In the "Removing Multiple Elements" example, we demonstrate how to use the removeAll() method of the LinkedTransferQueue class to remove multiple elements from the queue using a collection. We start by creating a LinkedTransferQueue named queue to store integer elements. We add integer elements (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) to the queue using the add() method. We create a list named elementsToRemove containing integers 2 and 4. These are the elements we want to remove from the queue. We call the removeAll() method on the queue object, passing elementsToRemove as a parameter and this method removes all occurrences of the elements present in the elementsToRemove list from the queue.



Elements removed: true
Queue after removal: [1, 3, 5]

Example 2: Removing All Elements

In the "Removing All Elements" example, we demonstrate how to use the removeAll() method of the LinkedTransferQueue class to remove all elements from the queue. We start by creating a LinkedTransferQueue named queue to store string elements. We add string elements ("Apple", "Banana", and "Cherry") to the queue using the add() method. We call the removeAll() method on the queue object, passing the queue itself as a parameter, this method removes all elements from the queue.



Elements removed: true
Queue after removal: []

Example 3: Removing Specific Elements

In this Java code, we demonstrate the usage of the removeAll() method of LinkedTransferQueue to remove elements from the queue that are present in a specified list. We create an instance of LinkedTransferQueue named transferQueue to store string elements. We add string elements ("Java", "Programming", "Language", "Example", and "Code") to the queue using the add() method. We call the removeAll() method on the transferQueue object, passing elementsToRemove as a parameter, this method removes all occurrences of the elements present in the elementsToRemove list from the queue.



Linked Transfer Queue: [Java, Programming, Language, Example, Code]
Elements to be removed: [Java, Language, Example]
Linked Transfer Queue after removal of Elements: [Programming, Code]

Example 4: Removing Specific Numbers

In this Java code we create an instance of LinkedTransferQueue<Integer> named transferQueue to store integer elements. We add integer elements (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25) to the queue using the add() method. We create an ArrayList<Integer> named elementsToRemove containing integers 10, 30, and 40. These elements will be removed from the queue. We call the removeAll() method on the transferQueue object, passing elementsToRemove as a parameter, this method removes all occurrences of the elements present in the elementsToRemove list from the queue.



Linked Transfer Queue: [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
Numbers to be removed: [10, 30, 40]
Linked Transfer Queue after removal of Numbers: [5, 15, 20, 25]

Example 5: Removing Multiple Elements and Handling Exceptions

In this example, we start by creating a LinkedTransferQueue named queue to store integer elements. We add integer elements (1, 2, and 3) to the queue using the add() method. We create a list named elementsToRemove containing integers 2, 4, and 6. These are the elements we want to remove from the queue. We attempt to call the removeAll() method on the queue object, passing elementsToRemove as a parameter. We catch possible exceptions that may occur during the removal process, such as NullPointerException or any other generic exception.



Elements removed: true
Queue after removal: [1, 3]

Example 5: Removing Multiple Elements with Custom Objects

We start by creating a LinkedTransferQueue named queue to store custom Person objects. We define a Person class with attributes name and age. We add instances of Person to the queue. We create a list named personsToRemove containing Person objects that we want to remove from the queue. We call the removeAll() method on the queue object, passing personsToRemove as a parameter, this method removes all occurrences of the persons present in the personsToRemove list from the queue.



Persons removed: true
Queue after removal: [Person{name='Alice', age=25}, Person{name='Charlie', age=35}]

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