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Object Life Cycle in Java

Based on the idea of object-oriented programming, or OOP, Java is a flexible and popular programming language. Everything in Java is an object, and objects go through many stages in their lifetime. In order to ensure proper resource management and program functioning, Java developers need to be aware of the object life cycle. We will examine the object life cycle in Java in depth in this post, going over each stage with examples.

1. Creation (or Instantiation) of Object:

The first stage of an object's life cycle is called generation or instantiation. Objects are instances of classes that serve as the objects' building pieces. To create an object in Java, use the class constructor following the new keyword.

In this case, an instance of the MyClass class is produced by the new MyClass() command, and the reference to this freshly formed object is myObject.

2. Initialization

After an object is formed, it has to be initialised it means that its initial state or values need to be established. Constructors and setter methods are typically utilised for this.

Here, the Student class has a constructor that takes the student's name as a parameter and initializes the name field. The displayInfo() method then displays the information about the student.

3. Usage:

An object can be used for a variety of purposes after it has been created and initialised. An object interacts with other things and its surroundings throughout this active stage of its life cycle.



4. Reference and Dereference

Variables related to objects during the use phase. An object can be made eligible for garbage collection by setting its variable to null after it is no longer needed.

When an object is set to null, it indicates that it is no longer referenced, and the Java garbage collector may be able to reclaim the memory it was consuming.

5. Garbage Collection

Garbage collection is an automated memory management mechanism in Java. The garbage collector finds and deletes objects from memory that can no longer be reached or referenced.

Here, the myObject is set to null, making it eligible for garbage collection.

6. Finalization

The finalize() method in Java enables an object to carry out cleaning tasks prior to being picked up by garbage collection. It's important to remember, though, that using finalize() is not recommended; instead, try-with-resources or the AutoCloseable interface are preferable resource management techniques.


It is important to comprehend the Java object life cycle in order to write reliable and effective programmes. Developers may ensure seamless application execution and resource management by understanding the different stages an object goes through. The whole object life cycle that includes instantiation, initialization, usage, reference, dereference, and trash collection controls how objects behave in Java programmes.

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