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Overflow and Underflow in Java

In Java, overflow can be defined as a situation when the result generated of an arithmetic operation that is performed on a numeric data type surpasses the range of that specific data type. Various numeric data types are supported by Java and they are of integer( byte, short, int, long) and floating-point numbers( float, double).

Whereas Underflow in Java can be defined as a situation where the result generated of an arithmetic operation that is performed on a numeric data type is smaller than the minimum value of that data type.

Let's understand in detail about both overflow and underflow in the following lines.

Overflow in Java

As discussed earlier, overflow in Java can be defined as a situation when the result generated of an arithmetic operation that is performed on a numeric data type surpasses the range of that specific data type. Let us understand in detail about overflow.

1. Integer Overflow

A determined number of bits are used by Java for representing the values of integer data type. For example, 32 bits are used by Java for representing an int variable. Whereas the range for representation of signed integers in Java can be defined from Integer.MIN_VALUE till Integer.MAX_VALUE.

Whenever the size of the result generated by an arithmetic operation surpasses the maximum value that can be represented (Integer.MAX_VALUE), Integer overflow occurs in Java.



OVERFLOW INTEGER Value: -2147483648

2. Long Overflow

Just like integer variables, long variables too have a range for representation in Java which lies between Long.MIN_VALUE to Long.MAX_VALUE.

Similar to Integer overflow, whenever the size of the result generated by an arithmetic operation of long variable surpasses the maximum value that can be represented (Long.MAX_VALUE), or goes below the minimum value that can be represented (Long.MIN_VALUE), Long overflow occurs in Java.



Long Overflow in Java
Input the value to be added to Long variable:
Long Overflow occurred! Result cannot be Displayed.

3. Floating-point Overflow

Just like integer variables, floating-point variables too have a range for representation in Java which lies between Float.MIN_VALUE to Float.MAX_VALUE.

Similar to Integer overflow, whenever the size of the result generated by an arithmetic operation of floating-point variable surpasses the maximum value that can be represented (Float.MAX_VALUE), or goes below the minimum value that can be represented (Float.MIN_VALUE), Float overflow occurs in Java.



Demonstration of Floating-point Overflow in Java
Input a float value to multiply the maximum float value: 1.2651651651
Maximum Float Value: 3.4028235E38
Overflowed Float Value: Infinity

Underflow in Java

In Java, Underflow can be defined as a scenario where the result generated of an arithmetic operation that is performed on a numeric data type is smaller than the minimum value of that data type. Let us understand about types of underflows in Java.

1. Integer Underflow

As discussed earlier, a determined number of bits are used by Java for representing the values of integer data type. For example, 32 bits are used by Java for representing an int variable. Whereas the range for representation of signed integers in Java can be defined from Integer.MIN_VALUE till Integer.MAX_VALUE.

Whenever the size of the result generated by an arithmetic operation goes below the minimum value that can be represented (Integer.MIN_VALUE), Integer underflow occurs in Java.



Minimum Integer Value: -2147483648
Underflowed Integer Value: 2147483647
Explanation: In 2's complement representation, integer underflow wraps around.

2. Long Underflow

Whenever the size of the result generated by a long arithmetic operation goes below the minimum value that can be represented (Long.MIN_VALUE), Long underflow occurs in Java.



Minimum Long Value: -9223372036854775808
Underflowed Long Value: 9223372036854775807
Explanation: In 2's complement representation, long underflow wraps around.

3. Floating-point Underflow

Just like integer variables, floating-point variables too have a range for representation in Java which lies between Float.MIN_VALUE to Float.MAX_VALUE.

Similar to Integer underflow, whenever the size of the result generated by an arithmetic operation of floating-point variable goes below the minimum value that can be represented (Float.MIN_VALUE), Float underflow occurs in Java.



Input a float value to divide the minimum float: 1.5265
Minimum Floating-point Value: 1.17549435E-38
Underflowed Value: 7.700585E-39

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