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POJO in Java stands for Plain Old Java Object. It is an ordinary object, which is not bound by any special restriction. The POJO file does not require any special classpath. It increases the readability & re-usability of a Java program.

POJOs are now widely accepted due to their easy maintenance. They are easy to read and write. A POJO class does not have any naming convention for properties and methods. It is not tied to any Java Framework; any Java Program can use it.

The term POJO was introduced by Martin Fowler ( An American software developer) in 2000. it is available in Java from the EJB 3.0 by sun microsystem.

Generally, a POJO class contains variables and their Getters and Setters.

The POJO classes are similar to Beans as both are used to define the objects to increase the readability and re-usability. The only difference between them that Bean Files have some restrictions but, the POJO files do not have any special restrictions.


POJO class is used to define the object entities. For example, we can create an Employee POJO class to define its objects.

Below is an example of Java POJO class:

The above employee class is an example of an employee POJO class. If you are working on Eclipse, you can easily generate Setters and Getters by right click on the Java Program and navigate to Source-> Generate Getters and Setters.


Right-click on the Java Program and Select Generate Getters and Setters.


Now, click on the Generate option given at the bottom of the Generate window. It will auto-generate setters and getters.

Properties of POJO class

Below are some properties of the POJO class:

  • The POJO class must be public.
  • It must have a public default constructor.
  • It may have the arguments constructor.
  • All objects must have some public Getters and Setters to access the object values by other Java Programs.
  • The object in the POJO Class can have any access modifies such as private, public, protected. But, all instance variables should be private for improved security of the project.
  • A POJO class should not extend predefined classes.
  • It should not implement prespecified interfaces.
  • It should not have any prespecified annotation.

Working of POJO Class

The POJO class is an object class that encapsulates the Business logic. In an MVC architecture, the Controller interacts with the business logic, which contacts with POJO class to access the data.

Below is the working of the POJO class.


How to use POJO class in a Java Program

The POJO class is created to use the objects in other Java Programs. The major advantage of the POJO class is that we will not have to create objects every time in other Java programs. Simply we can access the objects by using the get() and set() methods.

To access the objects from the POJO class, follow the below steps:

  • Create a POJO class objects
  • Set the values using the set() method
  • Get the values using the get() method

For example, create a class file within the same package and write the following code in it:


Name: Alisha
Id: A001
Salary: 200000.0

From the above example, we can see we have accessed the POJO class properties in

POJO is similar to Bean Class, so people often get confused between them; let's see the difference between the POJO and Bean.

Java Bean

Java Bean class is also an object class that encapsulates several objects into a single file ( Bean Class File). There are some differences between POJO and Bean.

Java POJO and Bean in a nutshell:

  • All the Bean files can be POJOs, but not all the POJOs are beans.
  • All Bean files can implement a Serializable interface but, not all the POJOs can implement a Serializable interface.
  • Both properties should be private to have complete control of fields.
  • Properties must have the getters and setter to access them in other Java programs.
  • The Bean class is a sub-set of the POJO class.
  • There is no major disadvantage of using the POJO, but few disadvantages may be using the Bean class.
  • The POJO is used when we want to provide full access to users and restrict our members. And, the Bean is used when we want to provide partial access to the members.

POJO Vs. Bean

In Pojo, there are no special restrictions other than Java conventions. It is a special type of POJO files, which have some special restrictions other than Java conventions.
It provides less control over the fields as compared to Bean. It provides complete protection on fields.
The POJO file can implement the Serializable interface; but, it is not mandatory. The Bean class should implement the Serializable interface.
The POJO class can be accessed by using their names. The Bean class can only be accessed by using the getters and setters.
Fields may have any of the access modifiers such as public, private, protected. Fields can only have private access.
In POJO, it is not necessary to have a no-arg constructor; it may or may not have it. It must have a no-arg constructor.
There is not any disadvantage to using the POJO The disadvantage of using the Bean is that the Default constructor and public setter can change the object state when it should be immutable.

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