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Rencontres Number in Java

Two numbers are given to us., The first number is a whole number, denoted by n, and the second number is a non-negative number, which is less than or equal to n, represented by k. The task is to find out the total number of disarrangements for the given numbers n and k, such that only k elements should be there at their original positions. In other words, we have to find the total number of derangements. The total

Example 1:

Input: int n = 3, int k = 0

Output: 2

Explanation: The value of k is 0. It means no number needs to be in its original position. The disarrangements are {2, 3, 1} and {3, 1, 2}.

Example 2:

Input: int n = 3, k = 1

Output: 3

Explanation: The value of k is 1. Therefore, there should be only one number that should be in its original position. Thus, the disarrangements we get are
are {2, 1, 3}, {1, 3, 2}, and {3, 2, 1}.

Approach: Using Recurrence Relation
In mathematics, the Rencontres numbers D(n, k) gives the total number of partial derangements. The recurrence relation is given as:

D(n, k) = nCk x D(n - k, 0) and for k = 0, the relation can be given as:

D(n, 0) = (n - 1) * (D(n - 1, 0) + D(n - 2, 0))
and for the base case, we have:

D(0, 0) = 1, D(0, 1) = 0, and D(1, 0) = 0

For n = 1, k = 1, we get
D(1, 1) = 1C1 x D(1 - 1, 0) = 1 x D(0, 0) = 1 x 1 = 1

For n = 2, k = 1, we get
D(2, 1) = 2C1 x D(2 - 1, 0) = 2 x D(1, 0) = 2 x 0 = 0

For n = 3, k = 1, we get
D(3, 1) = 3C1 x D(3 - 1, 0) = 3 x D(2, 0)

Now, we have to find the value of D(2, 0), which can be found using the other recurrence relation.
D(n, 0) = (n - 1) x (D(n - 1, 0) + D(n - 2, 0))

D(2, 0) = (2 - 1) x (D(2 - 1, 0) + D(2 - 2, 0)) = 1 x (D(1, 0) + D (0, 0)) = 1 x (0 + 1) = 1 x 1 = 1

Hence, we get

D(3, 1) = 3 x D(2, 0) = 3 x 1 = 3

Now, let us implement the above relation.



For the value of n = 7 and k = 2, the total number of derangements are: 924
For the value of n = 3 and k = 1, the total number of derangements are: 3
For the value of n = 1 and k = 1, the total number of derangements are: 1

Complexity Analysis: The time complexity of the program is O(n x k), where n and k represent the input integers. The space complexity of the program is also O(n x k), because of the recursive stack.

Approach: Using Dynamic Programming

In this approach, we will first split the problems into smaller ones and then solve those smaller problems. We will store the solutions in a 2-D array and then use it to find the solution to the given problem.



For the value of n = 7 and k = 2, the total number of derangements are: 924
For the value of n = 3 and k = 1, the total number of derangements are: 3
For the value of n = 1 and k = 1, the total number of derangements are: 1

Complexity Analysis: The time, as well as the space complexity of the program, is the same as the previous program.

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