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String Permutation in Java

String permutation is a fascinating problem in computer science that involves rearranging the characters of a string to create all possible unique combinations. In Java, solving this problem efficiently requires a solid understanding of string manipulation and recursion. In this section, we will delve into various approaches to generate string permutations in Java.

String Permutation:

String permutation involves rearranging the characters of a given string to create all possible unique combinations.


For the string "abc," the permutations are "abc," "acb," "bac," "bca," "cab," and "cba.

Approach 1: Using Recursion

One of the most intuitive ways to generate string permutations is through recursion. The idea is to fix one character at a time and recursively generate permutations for the remaining characters. Let's implement this approach in Java.

File Name:


Permutations of abc:

How it works?

The recursive approach is intuitive and closely follows the idea of breaking down a complex problem into smaller, manageable subproblems. The permuteHelper() function is a recursive function that fixes one character at a time, generating permutations for the remaining characters.

Key Points:

The base case (if (n == 0)) ensures that the recursion stops when there are no remaining characters to permute.

The loop iterates through each character of the remaining string, fixing it as the next character in the permutation.


  • Conceptually straightforward.
  • Easy to understand and implement.


  • Inefficient for large strings due to the exponential time complexity.

Approach 2: Using Swap Technique

Another efficient way to generate string permutations is by using a swap technique. This method involves swapping characters at different positions to achieve all possible arrangements. Here's a Java implementation of this approach:

File Name:


Permutations of abc:abcacb

How it works?

The swap technique is based on the idea of swapping characters at different positions to generate permutations. The permuteHelper() function swaps characters in the array, effectively exploring different arrangements.

Key Points:

The swap function facilitates the interchange of characters at two positions in the array.

The backtracking step (swap(charArray, start, i)) is crucial for restoring the array to its original state, allowing the exploration of other possibilities.


  • More efficient than the recursive approach for large strings.
  • Well-suited for problems where modifying the input in place is acceptable.


  • Requires a clear understanding of array manipulation and backtracking.


The time complexity of both approaches is O(n!), where 'n' is the length of the input string.

While this complexity is inherent to the problem, the swap technique often performs better in practice due to reduced constant factors.

Both approaches have a space complexity of O(n), considering the function call stack in the recursive approach and the array in the swap technique.

Practical Use Cases:

String permutation is a common subproblem in various algorithms, such as anagrams detection and password cracking.

Understanding these techniques is beneficial for solving other combinatorial problems.

Performance Considerations:

For small strings, the recursive approach may be more readable and acceptable.

The swap technique shines when dealing with larger strings and when in-place modifications are viable.


String permutation in Java is a problem that showcases the elegance and efficiency of different algorithmic approaches. Whether opting for recursion or the swap technique, understanding the underlying principles is crucial for making informed choices in real-world scenarios. The ability to navigate through permutations not only enhances problem-solving skills but also provides valuable insights into algorithm design and optimization. As you explore more complex problems, these foundational techniques will serve as powerful tools in your programming arsenal.

we explored two common approaches to generate string permutations in Java: recursion and the swap technique. Both methods provide efficient ways to tackle this problem, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your application. String permutation problems are not only intellectually stimulating but also serve as a practical exercise in algorithmic thinking. Implementing and understanding these techniques will undoubtedly enhance your problem-solving skills in Java and beyond.

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