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Difference Between Jdeps and Jdeprscan Tools in Java

When it comes to developing and maintaining Java applications, tools that aid in dependency analysis and identifying deprecated APIs are invaluable. Two such tools provided by the Java platform are Jdeps and Jdeprscan. Despite their seemingly similar purposes, these tools have distinct functionalities and use cases. In this section, we will delve into the differences between these tools, including real-world examples and output explanations.


Jdeps is a command-line tool that comes bundled with the Java Development Kit (JDK) since Java 8. Its primary function is to analyze the dependencies of a given set of Java class files or JAR files. The tool provides insights into the package-level and class-level dependencies, helping developers comprehend the structure and interactions within their codebase.

The syntax to use Jdeps is as follows:

Let's consider a practical example. Suppose we have two classes, Jdeps and Utility, where Jdeps depends on Utility. Here's what the code might look like: (We can keep this class in a separate file if We prefer)


This is a utility class.

To compile and analyze these classes using jdeps, execute the following commands:

The output will display the dependencies of the Jdeps class, including the Utility class.


On the other hand, Jdeprscan is a tool introduced in JDK 9, primarily aimed at helping developers identify usages of deprecated APIs within their codebase. As Java evolves, certain classes and methods become obsolete and are marked as deprecated to encourage the adoption of newer alternatives. Jdeprscan assists in flagging these deprecated usages, enabling developers to update their code accordingly.

The syntax to use Jdeprscan is as follows:

Let's illustrate this with an example. Consider a class DeprecatedExample that uses the deprecated method Date.getDate(), which has been replaced by LocalDate in modern Java versions.


Day of the month: 13

Compiling and scanning this class using jdeprscan:

The output will highlight the deprecated method usage and suggest alternatives from newer APIs.

Key Differences Between Jdeps and Jdeprscan

While both Jdeps and Jdeprscan serve to enhance Java development practices, they have distinct purposes and outputs:

Aspect Jdeps Jdeprscan
Functionality Analyzes dependencies between classes/packages. Detects deprecated APIs.
Output Provides dependency information, showing which classes depend on others. May highlight design issues or tightly coupled components. Highlights deprecated API usages and suggests alternatives from newer APIs.
Usage Used to analyze dependencies within the codebase or understand relationships between classes. Employed to identify deprecated APIs in the codebase, facilitating migration to modern Java functionalities.

In Summary, In the realm of Java development, tools like jdeps and jdeprscan play pivotal roles in ensuring code quality, maintainability, and compatibility. By understanding their differences and knowing when to apply each tool, developers can streamline their development process and create robust Java applications that adhere to best practices. Whether it's unraveling intricate dependencies or staying up-to-date with API deprecations, these tools empower developers to make informed decisions and write code that stands the test of time.

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