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Encoding Three Strings in Java

Encoding plays an important role in the representation and manipulation of data in computer science and programming. A common challenge that programmers face is the "Three Strings Problem", which often arises if a string changes. In this section, we will explore the concept of encoding, analyze the Three Strings Problem, and discuss how to solve it using Java.

Understanding Encoding

Encoding is the process of converting data from one form to another, usually to facilitate storage, transmission, or interpretation. Encoding in a string field refers to a set of characters using a specific rule or code. In Java, strings are sequences of characters, and encoding is key to processing and manipulating these sequences.

Characters Encoding

Java uses Unicode to represent characters. Unicode is a standard set of characters that assigns a unique code point to each character in most writing systems around the world. The Unicode standard provides a consistent way to represent text across languages and ensures consistency across platforms and systems.

The string class in Java uses UTF-16 encoding, where each character is represented by one or more 16-bit code units. It allows Java to handle a wide range of scripts from different languages.

Three Strings Problem

The Three Loop Problem is a typical programming challenge that involves the use of three loops to achieve a particular outcome. The problem typically involves comparing characters from three input strings and combining them to produce an output string. The specific requirements of the problem may vary, but generally involve going back through the lines of the string and applying a code to concatenate them.

Let's consider a simple example of the Three Strings Problem:

Problem Statement

Given three strings, str1, str2, and str3, write a Java function to check if str3 is a valid combination of characters from str1 and str2. The characters in str3 must retain their relative order as they appear in str1 and str2.


Output: true

Explanation: 'a' from str1, 'd' from str2, 'b' from str1, 'c' from str1, 'e' from str2, 'f' from str2.

Solving the Three Strings Problem in Java

To tackle the Three Strings Problem in Java, we need to devise an algorithm that efficiently checks whether the characters in the third string (str3) can be formed by combining characters from the first two strings (str1 and str2).

Approach to Solve the Problem

Iterate through characters: Convert each character in str3.

Check the corresponding position in str1 and str2: For each line in str3 check its position between str1 and str2. If a character is found in str1 or str2, move to the next character. Returns false if not found in both strings.

Maintain Order: Ensure that the order of the characters in str3 matches their order in the original strings str1 and str2. This checks the last index found for each character between str1 and str2

Let's implement this algorithm in Java.


Is adbcef a valid combination? true


We use two indices, index1 and index2, to keep track of the positions in str1 and str2, respectively. For each character in str3, we check if it is present in str1 or str2. If found, we increment the corresponding index. If the character is not found in either str1 or str2, we return false as it violates the combination rules. Finally, we check if all characters in str3 have been accounted for in both str1 and str2.

Understanding encoding is important for effective string manipulation in Java. While the Three string Problem, although seemingly simple, requires careful consideration of spectrum and string management. By using programming algorithms, as shown in the Java code above, programmers can efficiently solve the Three String Problem and similar string manipulation and encoding challenges

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